Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

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Reverence to that Lord Arahat Rightly Awakened One Buddha

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa






1. Khandhavibhaṅgo



1. The five aggregates are: The aggregate of material quality,aggregate of feeling, aggregate of perception, aggregate of mental concomitants, aggregate of consciousness.

1. Pañcakkhandhā – rūpakkhandho, vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho, viññāṇakkhandho.


1. Rūpakkhandho

2. Therein what is the aggregate of material quality? What-

ever material quality is past, future or present, internal or external gross or subtle, inferior or superior, distant or proximate; (taking) these together collectively and briefly, this is called the aggregate of material quality.
2. Tattha katamo rūpakkhandho? Yaṃ kiñci rūpaṃ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṃ ajjhattaṃ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṃ vā sukhumaṃ vā hīnaṃ vā paṇītaṃ vā yaṃ dūre santike vā, tadekajjhaṃ abhisaññūhitvā abhisaṅkhipitvā – ayaṃ vuccati rūpakkhandho.

3. Therein what is past material quality? That material quality

which is past, ceased, dissolved, changed, terminated, disappeared, or which having arisen has dissolved, has passed and is classed among the things that are past, (i.e.,) the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called past material quality.
3. Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ atītaṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ atītaṃ niruddhaṃ vigataṃ vipariṇataṃ atthaṅgataṃ abbhatthaṅgataṃ uppajjitvā vigataṃ atītaṃ atītaṃsena saṅgahitaṃ, cattāro ca mahābhūtā catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ atītaṃ.

Therein what is future material quality? That material

quality which is not born, not become, not begotten, non- existent, fully non-existent, not apparent, not risen, not well risen, not uprisen, not well uprisen, which is future and is classed among the things that are future, (i.e.,) the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called future material quality.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ anāgataṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ ajātaṃ abhūtaṃ asañjātaṃ anibbattaṃ anabhinibbattaṃ apātubhūtaṃ anuppannaṃ asamuppannaṃ anuṭṭhitaṃ asamuṭṭhitaṃ anāgataṃ anāgataṃsena saṅgahitaṃ, cattāro ca mahābhūtā catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ anāgataṃ.

Therein what is present material quality? That material

quality which is born, become, begotten, existent, fully existent, apparent, risen, well risen, uprisen, well uprisen, which is present and is classed among the things that are present, [2] (i.e.,) the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called present material quality.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ paccuppannaṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ jātaṃ bhūtaṃ sañjātaṃ nibbattaṃ abhinibbattaṃ pātubhūtaṃ uppannaṃ samuppannaṃ uṭṭhitaṃ samuṭṭhitaṃ paccuppannaṃ paccuppannaṃsena saṅgahitaṃ, cattāro ca mahābhūtā catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ paccuppannaṃ.

4. Therein what is internal material quality? That material

quality which, for this or that being, is personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and is grasped (by craving and false view), (i.e.,) the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called internal material quality.
4. Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ ajjhattaṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ ajjhattaṃ paccattaṃ niyakaṃ pāṭipuggalikaṃ upādinnaṃ, cattāro ca mahābhūtā catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ ajjhattaṃ.

Therein what is external material quality? That material

quality which, for this or that other being, for other persons, is personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and is grasped, (i.e.,) the four great essentials and the material qualities derived from the four great essentials. This is called external material quality.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ bahiddhā? Yaṃ rūpaṃ tesaṃ tesaṃ parasattānaṃ parapuggalānaṃ ajjhattaṃ paccattaṃ niyakaṃ pāṭipuggalikaṃ upādinnaṃ, cattāro ca mahābhūtā catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ bahiddhā.

5. Therein what is gross material quality? The eye base, :P:

tangible base. This is called gross material quality. P = See para. 154.
5. Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ oḷārikaṃ? Cakkhāyatanaṃ…pe… phoṭṭhabbāyatanaṃ – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ oḷārikaṃ.

Therein what is subtle material quality? The controlling

faculty of femininity, :P: the nutrient factor of food. This is called subtle material quality. P = See Dhs. para. 595.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ sukhumaṃ? Itthindriyaṃ…pe… kabaḷīkāro [kabaḷiṃkāro (sī. syā.)] āhāro – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ sukhumaṃ.

6. Therein what is inferior material quality? That material

quality which, for this or that being, is contemptible, despised, worthless, derisible, disrespected, inferior, thought to be inferior, considered to be inferior, undesirable, unattractive, unpleasant, (i.e.,) the visible, audible, odorous, sapid, tangible. This is called inferior material quality.
6. Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ hīnaṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ uññātaṃ avaññātaṃ hīḷitaṃ paribhūtaṃ acittīkataṃ hīnaṃ hīnamataṃ hīnasammataṃ aniṭṭhaṃ akantaṃ amanāpaṃ, rūpā saddā gandhā rasā phoṭṭhabbā – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ hīnaṃ.

Therein what is superior material quality? That material

quality which, for this or that being, is not contemptible, not despised, not worthless, not derisible, respected, superior, thought to be superior, considered to be superior, desirable, attractive, pleasant, (i.e.,) the visible, audible, odorous, sapid, tangible. This is called superior material quality. Inferior and superior material quality should be understood by comparing this material quality with that.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ paṇītaṃ? Yaṃ rūpaṃ tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ anuññātaṃ anavaññātaṃ ahīḷitaṃ aparibhūtaṃ cittīkataṃ paṇītaṃ paṇītamataṃ paṇītasammataṃ iṭṭhaṃ kantaṃ manāpaṃ, rūpā saddā gandhā rasā phoṭṭhabbā – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ paṇītaṃ. Taṃ taṃ vā pana rūpaṃ upādāyupādāya rūpaṃ hīnaṃ paṇītaṃ daṭṭhabbaṃ.

7. Therein what is distant material quality? The controlling

faculty of femininity, : P : the nutrient factor of food or whatever other material quality there is, not near, not close, distant, not proximate. This is called distant material quality. [3] P = See Dhs. para. 595.
7. Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ dūre? Itthindriyaṃ…pe… kabaḷīkāro āhāro, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ anāsanne anupakaṭṭhe dūre asantike – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ dūre.

Therein what is proximate material quality? The eye base,
P: tangible base or whatever other material quality there is, near,

close, not distant, proximate. This is called proximate material quality. Distant and proximate material quality should be under- stood by comparing this material quality with that. P = See para. 154.
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ santike? Cakkhāyatanaṃ…pe… phoṭṭhabbāyatanaṃ, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ āsanne upakaṭṭhe avidūre santike – idaṃ vuccati rūpaṃ santike. Taṃ taṃ vā pana rūpaṃ upādāyupādāya rūpaṃ dūre santike daṭṭhabbaṃ.


8. Therein what is the aggregate of feeling? Whatever feeling is past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, distant or proximate; (taking) these together collectively and briefly, this is called the aggregate of feeling.

9. Therein what is past feeling? That feeling which is past, ceased, dissolved, changed, terminated, disappeared, or which having arisen has dissolved, has passed and is classed among the things that are past, (i.e.,) pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. This is called past feeling.

Therein what is future feeling? That feeling which is not born, not become, not begotten, non-existent, fully non-existent, not


apparent, not risen, not well risen, not uprisen, not well uprisen, which is future and is classed among the things that are future, (i.e.,) pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor- pleasant feeling. This is called future feeling.

Therein what is present feeling? That feeling which is born, become, begotten, existent, fully existent, apparent, risen, well risen, uprisen, well uprisen, which is present and is classed among the things that are present, (i.e.,) pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. This is called present feeling.

10. Therein what is internal feeling? That feeling which, for this or that being, is personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and is grasped (by craving and false view), (i.e.,) pleasant feeling painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. This is called internal feeling.

Therein what is external feeling? That feeling which, for this or that other being, for other persons, is personal, self- referable, one’s own, individual and is grasped, (i.e.,) pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. This is called external feeling.

11. Therein what is gross (also) subtle feeling? Bad feeling is gross ; good and neither-good-nor-bad feeling is subtle. Good and bad feeling is gross; neither-good-nor-bad feeling is subtle. [4] Painful feeling is gross ; pleasant also neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is subtle. Pleasant and painful feeling is gross; neither- painful-nor-pleasant feeling is subtle. The feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states is gross; the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states is subtle. Feeling that is the object of the defilements is gross; feeling that is not the object of the defilements is subtle. Gross and subtle feeling should be understood by comparing this feeling with that.

12. Therein what is inferior (also) superior feeling? Bad

feeling is inferior; good and neither-good-nor-bad feeling is superior. Good and bad feeling is inferior; neither-good-nor- bad feeling is superior. Painful feeling is inferior; pleasant feeling also neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is superior. Pleasant and painful feeling is inferior; neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is


superior. The feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states is inferior; the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states is superior. Feeling that is the object of the defilements is inferior; feeling that is not the object of the defilements is superior. Inferior and superior feeling should be understood by comparing this feeling with that.

13. Therein what is distant feeling? Bad feeling is distant from good and neither-good-nor-bad feelings; good and neither-good- nor-bad feeling is distant from bad feeling; good feeling is distant from bad and neither-good-nor-bad feelings; bad and neither- good-nor-bad feeling is distant from good feeling; neither-good- nor-bad feeling is distant from good and bad feelings; good and bad feeling is distant from neither-good-nor-bad feeling. Painful feeling is distant from pleasant also from neither-painful-nor- pleasant feelings ; pleasant also neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is distant from painful feeling; pleasant feeling is distant from painful also from neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings ; painful also neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is distant from pleasant feeling; neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is distant from pleasant and painful feelings ; pleasant and painful feeling is distant from neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states is distant from the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states; the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states is distant from the feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states. Feeling that is the object of the defilements is distant from feeling that is not the object of the defilements; feeling that is not the object of the defilements is distant from feeling that is the object of the defile- ments. This is called distant feeling.

Therein what is proximate feeling? Bad feeling is proximate to bad feeling ; good feeling is proximate to good feeling ; neither- good-nor-bad feeling is proximate to neither-good-nor-bad feeling. Painful feeling is proximate to painful feeling; pleasant feeling is proximate to pleasant feeling; neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is proximate to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. [5] The feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states is proximate to the feeling of one not experiencing higher mental states; the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states is proximate to the feeling of one experiencing higher mental states. Feeling that


is the object of the defilements is proximate to feeling that is the object of the defilements; feeling that is not the object of the defilements is proximate to feeling that is not the object of the defilements. This is called proximate feeling. Distant and proximate feeling should be understood by comparing this feeling with that.


14. Therein what is the aggregate of perception? Whatever perception is past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, distant or proximate; (taking) these together collectively and briefly, this is called the aggregate of perception.

15. Therein what is past perception? That perception which is past, ceased, dissolved, changed, terminated, disappeared, or which having arisen has dissolved, has passed and is classed among the things that are past, (i.e.,) perception born of eye contact, perception born of ear contact, perception born of nose contact, perception born of tongue contact, perception born of body contact, perception born of mind contact. This is called past perception.

Therein what is future perception? That perception which is not born, not become, not begotten, non-existent, fully non- existent, not apparent, not risen, not well risen, not uprisen, not well uprisen, which is future and is classed among the things that are future, (i.e,,) perception born of eye contact, perception born of ear contact, perception born of nose contact, perception born of tongue contact, perception born of body contact, perception born of mind contact. This is called future perception.

Therein what is present perception? That perception which is born, become, begotten, existent, fully existent, apparent, risen, well risen, uprisen, well uprisen, which is present and is classed among the things that are present, (i.e.,) perception born of eye contact, perception born of ear contact, perception born of nose contact, perception born of tongue contact, perception born of body contact, perception born of mind contact. This is called present perception.


16. Therein what is internal perception? That perception which, for this or that being, is personal, self-referable, one's own, individual and is grasped (by craving and false view), (i.e.,) perception born of eye contact, perception born of ear contact, perception born of nose contact, perception born of tongue contact, perception born of body contact, perception born of mind contact. This is called internal perception.

Therein what is external perception? That perception which, for this or that other being, for other persons, is personal, self- referable, one's own, individual and is grasped, (i.e.,) perception born of eye contact, perception born of ear contact, perception born of nose contact, perception born of tongue contact, percep- tion born of^ody contact, perception born of mind contact. This is called external perception. [6]

17. Therein what is gross (also) subtle perception? Perception born of contact by impingement is gross; perception born of analogical contact* is subtle. Bad perception is gross; good and neither-good-nor-bad perception is subtle. Good and bad percep- tion is gross; neither-good-nor-bad perception is subtle. Percep- tion associated with painful feeling is gross; perception associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is subtle. Perception associated with pleasant and painful feelings is gross; perception associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is subtle. The perception of one not experiencing higher mental states is gross; the perception of one experiencing higher mental states is subtle. Perception that is the object of the defile- ments is gross; perception that is not the object of the defilements is subtle. Gross and subtle perception should be understood by comparing this perception with that.

  • Mind and mental objects do not impinge but are explained by the analogy

(adhivacana) of physical states.

18. e Therein what is inferior (also) superior perception? Bad

perception is inferior; good and neither-good-nor-bad perception is superior. Good and bad perception is inferior; neither-good- nor-bad perception is superior. Perception associated with painful feeling is inferior; perception associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is superior. Perception


associated with pleasant and painful feelings is inferior ; perception associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is superior. The perception of one not experiencing higher mental states is inferior; the perception of one experiencing higher mental states is superior. Perception that is the object of the defilements is inferior; perception that is not the object of the defilements is superior. Inferior and superior perception should be understood by comparing this perception with that.

19. Therein what is distant perception? Bad perception is distant from good and neither-good-nor-bad perceptions; good and neither-good-nor-bad perception is distant from bad percep- tion; good perception is distant from bad and neither-good-nor- bad perceptions; bad and neither-good-nor-bad perception is distant from good perception. Neither-good-nor-bad perception is distant from good and bad perceptions ; good and bad perception is distant from neither-good-nor-bad perception. Perception associated with painful feeling is distant from perceptions asso- ciated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feel- ings; perception associated with pleasant also with neither- painful-nor-pleasant feelings is distant from perception associated with painful feeling; perception associated with pleasant feeling is distant from perceptions associated with painful also with neither- painful-nor-pleasant feelings; perception associated with painful also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is distant from perception associated with pleasant feeling; perception associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is distant from percep- tions associated with pleasant and painful feelings; perception associated with pleasant and painful feelings is distant from perception associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The perception of one not experiencing higher mental states is distant from the perception of one experiencing higher mental states; [7] the perception of one experiencing higher mental states is distant from the perception of one not experiencing higher mental states. Perception that is the object of the defilements is distant from perception that is not the object of the defilements; perception that is not the object of the defilements is distant from perception that is the object of the defilements. This is called distant perception.

Therein what is proximate perception? Bad perception is


proximate to bad perception; good perception is proximate to good perception; neither-good-nor-bad perception is proximate to neither-good-nor-bad perception; perception associated with painful feeling is proximate to perception associated with painful feeling; perception associated with pleasant feeling is proximate to perception associated with pleasant feeling; perception asso- ciated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is proximate to perception associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The perception of one not experiencing higher mental states is proximate to the perception of one not experiencing higher mental states; the perception of one experiencing higher mental states is proximate to the perception of one experiencing higher mental states. Perception that is the object of the defilements is proximate to perception that is the object of the defilements; perception that is not the object of the defilements is proximate to perception that is not the object of the defilements. This is called proximate perception. Distant and proximate perception should be understood by comparing this perception with that.


20. Therein what is the aggregate of mental concomitants?

Whatever mental concomitants are past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, distant or proximate; (taking) these together collectively and briefly, this is called the aggregate of mental concomitants.

21. Therein what are past mental concomitants? Those mental concomitants which are past, ceased, dissolved, changed, term- inated, disappeared, or which having arisen have dissolved, have passed and are classed among the things that are past, (i.e.,) volition born of eye contact, volition born of ear contact, volition born of nose contact, volition born of tongue contact, volition born of body contact, volition born of mind contact. These are called past mental concomitants.

Therein what are future mental concomitants? Those mental concomitants which are not born, not become, not begotten, non-existent, fully non-existent, not apparent, not risen, not well risen, not uprisen, not well uprisen, which are future and are


classed among the things that are future, (i.e.,) volition born of eye contact, volition born of ear contact, volition born of nose contact, volition born of tongue contact, volition born of body contact, volition born of mind contact. These are called future mental concomitants.

Therein what are present mental concomitants? Those mental concomitants which are born, become, begotten, existent, fully existent, apparent, risen, well risen, uprisen, [8] well uprisen, which are present and are classed among the things that are present, (i.e.,) volition born of eye contact, volition born of ear contact, volition born of nose contact, volition born of tongue contact, volition born of body contact, volition born of mind contact. These are called present mental concomitants.

22. Therein what are internal mental concomitants? Those mental concomitants which, for this or that being, are personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and are grasped (by craving and false view), (i.e.,) volition born of eye contact, volition born of ear contact, volition born of nose contact, volition born of tongue contact, volition born of body contact, volition born of mind contact. These are called internal mental concomitants.

Therein what are external mental concomitants? Those mental concomitants which, for this or that other being, for other persons, are personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and are grasped, (i.e.,) volition born of eye contact, volition born of ear contact, volition born of nose contact, volition born of tongue contact, volition born of body contact, volition born of mind contact. These are called external mental concomitants.

23. Therein what are gross (also) subtle mental concomitants?

Bad mental concomitants are gross; good and neither-good-nor- bad mental concomitants are subtle. Good and bad mental concomitants are gross; neither-good-nor-bad mental con- comitants are subtle. Mental concomitants associated with painful feeling are gross; mental concomitants associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings are subtle. Mental concomitants associated with pleasant and painful feelings are gross; mental concomitants associated with neither-painful- nor-pleasant feeling are subtle. The mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states are gross; the mental


concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states are subtle. Mental concomitants that are objects of the defilements are gross; mental concomitants that are not objects of the defilements are subtle. Gross and subtle mental concomitants should be under- stood by comparing these mental concomitants with those.

24. Therein what are inferior (also) superior mental con- comitants? Bad mental concomitants are inferior; good and neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are superior. Good and bad mental concomitants are inferior; neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are superior. Mental concomitants asso- ciated with painful feeling are inferior; mental concomitants associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings are superior. Mental concomitants associated with pleasant and painful feelings are inferior; mental concomitants associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling are superior. The mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states are inferior; the mental concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states are superior. Mental concomitants that are the objects of the defilements are inferior; mental concomitants that are not the objects of the defilements are superior. Inferior and superior mental concomitants should be understood by comparing these mental concomitants with those.

25. Therein what are distant mental concomitants? Bad mental concomitants are distant from good and neither-good-nor- bad mental concomitants ; good and neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are distant from bad mental concomitants; good mental concomitants are distant from bad and neither-good-nor- bad mental concomitants; bad and neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are distant from good mental concomitants; [9] neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are distant from good and bad mental concomitants ; good and bad mental concomitants are distant from neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants. Mental concomitants associated with painful feeling are distant from mental concomitants associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings; mental concomitants asso- ciated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings are distant from mental concomitants associated with painful feeling; mental concomitants associated with pleasant feeling are


distant from mental concomitants associated with painful also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings; mental concomitants associated with painful also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings are distant from mental concomitants associated with pleasant feeling; mental concomitants associated with neither- painful-nor-pleasant feeling are distant from mental concomitants associated with pleasant and painful feelings ; mental concomitants associated with pleasant and painful feelings are distant from mental concomitants associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states are distant from the mental concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states ; the mental concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states are distant from the mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states. Mental concomitants that are the objects of the defilements are distant from mental concomitants that are not the objects of the defile- ments; mental concomitants that are not the objects of the defile- ments are distant from mental concomitants that are the objects of the defilements. These are called distant mental concomitants.

Therein what are proximate mental concomitants? Bad mental concomitants are proximate to bad mental concomitants; good mental concomitants are proximate to good mental con- comitants; neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants are proxi- mate to neither-good-nor-bad mental concomitants. Mental concomitants associated with painful feeling are proximate to mental concomitants associated with painful feeling; mental concomitants associated with pleasant feeling are proximate to mental concomitants associated with pleasant feeling; mental concomitants associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling are proximate to mental concomitants associated with neither- painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states are proximate to the mental concomitants of one not experiencing higher mental states; the mental concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states are proximate to the mental concomitants of one experiencing higher mental states. Mental concomitants that are the objects of the defilements are proximate to mental concomitants that are the objects of the defilements; mental concomitants that are not the objects of the defilements are proximate to mental concomitants that are not the objects of the defilements. These are called


proximate mental concomitants. Distant and proximate mental concomitants should be understood by comparing these mental concomitants with those.


26. Therein what is the aggregate of consciousness? Whatever consciousness is past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, distant or proximate; (taking) these together collectively and briefly, this is called the aggregate of consciousness.

27. Therein what is past consciousness? [10] That consciousness which is past, ceased, dissolved, changed, terminated, disappeared, or which having arisen has dissolved, has passed and is classed among the things that are past, (i.e.,) eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called past conscious- ness.

Therein what is future consciousness? That consciousness which is not born, not become, not begotten, non-existent, fully non-existent, not apparent, not risen, not well risen, not uprisen, not well uprisen, which is future and is classed among the things that are future, (i.e.,) eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called future consciousness.

Therein what is present consciousness? That consciousness which is born, become, begotten, existent, fully existent, apparent, risen, well risen, uprisen, well uprisen, which is present and is classed among the things that are present, (i.e.,) eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called present con- sciousness.

2§. Therein what is internal consciousness? That consciousness which, for this or that being, is personal, self-referable, one's own, individual and is grasped (by craving and false view), (i.e.,) eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called internal consciousness.


Therein what is external consciousness? That consciousness which, for this or that other being, for other persons is personal, self-referable, one’s own, individual and is grasped, (i.e.,) eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, mind consciousness. This is called external consciousness.

29. Therein what is gross (also) subtle consciousness? Bad consciousness is gross; good and neither-good-nor-bad conscious- ness is subtle. Good and bad consciousness is gross ; neither-good- nor-bad consciousness is subtle. Consciousness associated with painful feeling is gross; consciousness associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is subtle. Con- sciousness associated with pleasant and painful feelings is gross; consciousness associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is subtle. The consciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states is gross; the consciousness of one experiencing higher mental states is subtle. Consciousness that is the object of the defilements is gross; consciousness that is not the object of the defilements is subtle. Gross and subtle consciousness should be understood by comparing this consciousness with that.

30. Therein what is inferior [11] (also) superior conscious- ness? Bad consciousness is inferior; good and neither-good-nor- bad consciousness is superior. Good and bad consciousness is inferior; neither-good-nor-bad consciousness is superior. Con- sciousness associated with painful feeling is inferior ; consciousness associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is superior. Consciousness associated with pleasant and painful feelings is inferior; consciousness associated with neither- painful-nor-pleasant feeling is superior. The consciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states is inferior ; the consciousness of one experiencing higher mental states is superior. Consciousness that is the object of the defilements is inferior; consciousness that is not the object of the defilements is superior. Inferior and superior consciousness should be understood by comparing this conscious- ness with that.

31. Therein what is distant consciousness? Bad consciousness is distant from good and neither-good-nor-bad consciousness;


good and neither-good-nor-bad consciousness is distant from bad consciousness ; good consciousness is distant from bad and neither-good-nor-bad consciousness; bad and neither-good-nor- bad consciousness is distant from good consciousness; neither- good-nor-bad consciousness is distant from good and bad con- sciousness; good and bad consciousness is distant from neither- good-nor-bad consciousness. Consciousness associated with painful feeling is distant from consciousness associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings; con- sciousness associated with pleasant also with neither-painful-nor- pleasant feelings is distant from consciousness associated with painful feeling; consciousness associated with pleasant feeling is distant from consciousness associated with painful also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings; consciousness associated with painful also with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feelings is distant from consciousness associated with pleasant feeling. Consciousness associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feel- ing is distant from consciousness associated with pleasant and painful feelings; consciousness associated with pleasant and painful feelings is distant from consciousness associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The consciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states is distant from the con- sciousness of one experiencing higher mental states; the con- sciouness of one experiencing higher mental states is distant from the consciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states. Consciousness that is the object of the defilements is distant from consciousness that is not the object of the defilements; conscious- ness that is not the object of the defilements is distant from consciousness that is the object of the defilements. This is called distant consciousness.

Therein what is proximate consciousness? Bad conscious- ness is proximate to bad consciousness ; [12] good consciousness is proximate to good consciousness; neither-good-nor-bad con- sciousness is proximate to neither-good-nor-bad consciousness. Consciousness associated with painful feeling is proximate to consciousness associated with painful feeling ; consciousness associated with pleasant feeling is proximate to consciousness associated with pleasant feeling; consciousness associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling is proximate to consciousness associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The con-


sciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states is proxi- mate to the consciousness of one not experiencing higher mental states ; the consciousness of one experiencing higher mental states is proximate to the consciousness of one experiencing higher mental states. Consciousness that is the object of the defilements is proximate to consciousness that is the object of the defilements; consciousness that is not the object of the defilements is proximate to consciousness that is not the object of the defilements. This is called proximate consciousness. Distant and proximate conscious- ness should be understood by comparing this consciousness with that.



32. The five aggregates are: The aggregate of material quality, aggregate of feeling, aggregate of perception, aggregate of mental concomitants, aggregate of consciousness.


33. Therein what is the aggregate of material quality? The

aggregate of material quality by way of singlefold division: All material quality is not root. Is not accompanied by root. Is not associated with root. Is with cause. Is conditioned. Is material. Is mundane. Is the object of the defilements. Is the object of the fetters. Is the object of the ties. Is the object of the floods. Is the object of the bonds. Is the object of the hindrances. Is the object of the perversions. Is the object of the attachments. Is the object of the corruptions. Is neither-good-nor-bad. Has no object. Is not mental concomitant. Is not associated with consciousness. Is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions. Is not ‘accompanied by initial applica- tion, accompanied by sustained application*. Is not ‘without initial application, sustained application only*. Is without initial application, without sustained application. Is not accompanied by zest. Is not accompanied by pleasure. Is not accompanied by


indifference. Is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is neither cumulative nor dispersive (of continuing rebirth and death). Is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low. Is characteristic of the plane of desire. Is not characteristic of the plane of form. Is not characteristic of the formless plane. Is included (i.e. Is mundane). Is not ‘not included’ (i.e. not supra- mundane). Is of no fixed (resultant time). Does not tend to release. Is risen. Is cognizable by the six types of cognition. Is not permanent. Is subject to decay. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of singlefold division. [13]

The aggregate of material quality by way of twofold division: There is material quality that is derived; there is material quality that is not derived. There is material quality that is grasped (by craving and false view); there is material quality that is not grasped. There is material quality that is grasped, is the object of the attachments; there is material quality that is not grasped, is the object of the attachments. There is material quality that is visible; there is material quality that is not visible. There is material quality that is impingent; there is material quality that is not impingent. There is material quality that is controlling faculty; there is material quality that is not controlling faculty. There is material quality that is of the (four) great essentials; there is material quality that is not of the (four) great essentials. There is material quality that is expressive; there is material quality that is not expressive. There is material quality that is generated by consciousness; there is material quality that is not generated by consciousness: There is material quality that is co-existent with consciousness; there is material quality that is not co-existent with consciousness. There is material quality that accompanies consciousness ; there is material quality that does not accompany consciousness. There is material quality that is internal ; there is material quality that is external. There is material quality that is gross; there is material quality that is subtle. There is material quality that is distant ; there is material quality that is proximate. :P: There is material quality that is the nutrient factor of food ; there is material quality that is not the nutrient factor of food. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of twofold division.


[As analysed in the section on material quality (of Dhs.) so should it be analysed here].

P = See Dhs., section on material quality, for omissions.

The aggregate of material quality by way of threefold division : That material quality which is internal is derived; that material quality which is external is derived ; is not derived. That material quality which is internal is grasped; that material quality which is external is grasped; is not grasped. That material quality which is internal is grasped, is the object of the attachments; that material quality which is external is grasped, is the object of the attach- ments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments. :P: That material quality which is internal is not the nutrient factor of food ; that material quality which is external is the nutrient factor of food; is not the nutrient factor of food. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of threefold division.

P — See Dhs., section on material quality, for omissions.

The aggregate of material quality by way of fourfold division: That material quality which is derived is grasped ; is not grasped : that material quality which is not derived is grasped; is not grasped. That material quality which is derived is grasped, is the object of the attachments ; 'is not grasped, is the object of the attachments: that material quality which is not derived is grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments. That material quality which is derived is impingent; is not impingent: [ 14 ] that material quality which is not derived is impingent; is not impingent. That material quality which is derived is gross; is subtle: that material quality Which is not derived is gross ; is subtle. That material quality which is derived is distant ; is proximate : that material quality which is not derived is distant; is proximate. :P: There is material quality that is visible, audible, sensed otherwise, known. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of fourfold division.

P— See Dhs., section on material quality, for omissions.

The aggregate of material quality by way of fivefold division: The element of extension ; the element of cohesion ; the element of heat; the element of motion; and the material quality derived (from these). Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of fivefold division.


The aggregate of material quality by way of sixfold division: Material quality cognizable by eye ; material quality cognizable by ear; material quality cognizable by nose; material quality cogniz- able by tongue; material quality cognizable by body; material quality cognizable by mind. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of sixfold division.

The aggregate of material quality by way of sevenfold division: Material quality cognizable by eye; material quality cognizable by ear; material quality cognizable by nose; material quality cognizable by tongue; material quality cognizable by body; material quality cognizable by mind element; material quality cognizable by mind-consciousness-element. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of material quality by way of eightfold division: Material quality cognizable by eye ; material quality cognizable by ear; material quality cognizable by nose; material quality cogniz- able by tongue; material quality cognizable by body that is pleasant contact, that is painful contact; material quality cogniz- able by mind element; material quality cognizable by mind- consciousness-element. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of eightfold division.

The aggregate of material quality by way of ninefold division: The controlling faculty of eye ; controlling faculty of ear ; control- ling faculty of nose; controlling faculty of tongue; controlling faculty of body; controlling faculty of femininity; controlling faculty of masculinity ; controlling faculty of vital principle and the material quality which is not controlling faculty. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of ninefold division.

The aggregate of material quality by way of tenfold division : The controlling faculty of eye ; controlling faculty of ear ; control- ling faculty of nose; controlling faculty of tongue; controlling faculty of body; controlling faculty of femininity; controlling faculty of masculinity; controlling faculty of vital principle; material quality that is not controlling faculty that is impingent, is not impingent. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of tenfold division.

The aggregate of material quality by way of elevenfold division : The eye base; ear base; nose base; tongue base; body base; visible base; audible base; odorous base; sapid base; tangible base and that material quality which is not visible, not impingent,


included in ideational base. Thus is the aggregate of material quality by way of elevenfold division.



34. Therein what is the aggregate of feeling? The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division : Is accom- panied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is good ; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad.

The aggregate of feeling by way of fourfold division: Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane).

The aggregate of feeling by way of fivefold division : Is control- ling faculty of pleasure (physical); is controlling faculty of pain (physical) ; is controlling faculty of mental pleasure ; is controlling faculty of mental pain; is controlling faculty of indifference. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of fivefold division.

The aggregate of feeling by way of sixfold division: Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact ; feeling born of tongue contact ; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of sixfold division.

The aggregate of feeling by way of sevenfold division: Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind- element- contact; feeling born of mind-consciousness-element-contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of feeling by way of eightfold division: Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact that is pleasant, that is painful; feeling born of mind- element-contact; feeling born of mind-consciousness-element- contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of eightfold division.


The aggregate of feeling by way of ninefold division: Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact ; feeling born of tongue contact ; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind- element- contact ; feeling born of mind-consciousness-element-contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of ninefold division.

The aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division: Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact ; feeling born of tongue contact ; feeling born of body contact that is pleasant, that is painful; feeling born of mind- element-contact; feeling born of mind-consciousness-element- contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division. [16]

35. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division : Is accom- panied by root ; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is grasped (by craving and false view), is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attach- ments. Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. Is accompanied by initial application, accom- panied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is cumulative (of continuing rebirth and death) ; is dispersive ; is neither cumulative nor disper- sive. Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supra- mundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low; is sublime; is immeasur- able. [17] Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable


object. Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Has path as its object; has path as its cause ; has path as its dominating factor. Is risen ; is not risen; is bound to arise. Is past; is future; is present. Has past object; has future object; has present object. Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

36. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with root ; is not associated with root. Is not root, is accom- panied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root. Is mun- dane ; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way ; is not cogniz- able by another way. [18] Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defilements; is not associated with the defilements. Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements. Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters. Is associated with the fetters; is not associated with the fetters. Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters. Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties. Is associated with the ties; is not associated with the ties. Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties. Is the object of the floods ; is not the object of the floods. Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods. Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods. Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds. Is associated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds. Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds. Is the object of the hindrances; is not the object of the hindrances. Is associated with the hindrances; is not associated with the hindrances. Is not associated with the hindrances, is the object of the hindrances; is


not associated with the hindrances, is not the object of the hind- rances. Is the object of the perversions; is not the object of the perversions. Is associated with the perversions; is not associated with the perversions. Is not associated with the perversions, is the object of the perversions ; is not associated with the perversions, is not the object of the perversions. Is grasped; is not grasped. Is the object of the attachments; is not the object of the attachments. Is associated with the attachments ; is not associated with the attach- ments. Is not associated with the attachments, is the object of the attachments; is not associated with the attachments, is not the object of the attachments. Is the object of the corruptions; is not the object of the corruptions. Is corrupt; is not corrupt. Is associated with the corruptions ; is not associated with the corrup- tions. Is not associated with the corruptions, is the object of the corruptions; is not associated with the corruptions, is not the object of the corruptions. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is not to be abandoned by the first path. Is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has no root to be abandoned by the first path. Has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; has no root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Is accompanied by initial application; is without initial application. Is accompanied by sustained application; is without sustained application. [19] Is with zest; is without zest. Is accom- panied by zest ; is not accompanied by zest. Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is not characteristic of the plane of desire. Is characteristic of the plane of form ; is not characteristic of the plane of form. Is characteristic of the formless plane; is not charac- teristic of the formless plane. Is included (i.e. is mundane); is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Tends to release; does not tend to release. Is of fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Is surpassable; is not surpassable. Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is good ; is^bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

37. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.


The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is grasped, is the object of the attachments.

P 1 : Has internal object; has external object; has both internal

and external object. :P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P* = See para. 35. P 2 =See para. 34.


38. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division : Is accom- panied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

39. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with root ; is not associated with root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is good ; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 34.

40. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not root, is accompanied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root. Is mundane; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way; is not cognizable by another way. Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defile- ments; is not associated with the defilements. Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not


associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements.

P : Is with cause of bewailing ; is without cause of bewailing.

P = See para. 36.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division. [21]

P — See para. 34.

41. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is accom- panied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is grasped, is the object of the attachments ; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments ; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application ; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application. Is to be aband- oned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is cumulative; is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive. Is of the seven supramundane stages ; is of the final supramundane stage ; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is of no fixed (resultant time). Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. Is risen; is not risen; is bound to arise. Is past; is future; is present. Has past object; has future object; has present object. Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. Has internal object; has external object; has


both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 34.

42. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with root ; is not associated with root. Is not root, is accom- panied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root. Is mun- dane; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way; is not cogniz- able by another way. Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defilements; is not associated with the defilements. Is not associated with the defile- ments, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements. Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters. :P: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

P — See para. 36.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.


43. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division; Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is accom- panied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is good ; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

44. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with root ; is not associated with root. [22]


The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

45. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not root, is accompanied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

46. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is mun- dane; is supramundane.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. : P : Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

47. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is cogniz- able by one way; is not cognizable by another way.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application.

P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

48. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.



The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division; Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. [23] The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is to be abandoned by the first path ; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. : P : Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

49. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division; Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with the defilements; is not associated with the defilements.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. : P : Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

50. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is cumulative; is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive.

P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

51. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is of the seven supramundane stages ; is of the final supramundane stage ; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final

Analysis of the Aggregates 29

supramundane stage. :P; Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

52. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with the fetters; is not associated with the fetters. [ 24 ].

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

53. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

54. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 34.

S^. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with the ties; is not associated with the ties.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed


(resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

56. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties. [25].

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

57. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is risen ; is not risen; is bound to arise. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

58. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with the floods ; is not associated with the floods.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division : Is past ; is future ; is present. : P : Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

59. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods.


The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has past object; has future object; has present object. :P: Thus is the a gg re g a te of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

60. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds. [26].

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. :P: Thus is the a gg re g ate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.

61. The aggregate of feeling by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of feeling by way of twofold division: Is asso- ciated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds.

The aggregate of feeling by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 34.


The aggregate of feeling by way of sevenfold division : Is good ; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad ; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of feeling by another way of sevenfold division : Is resultant; :P: has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the form- less plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Thus is the a ggreg a te of feeling by way of sevenfold division.

P = See para. 35.


The aggregate of feeling by way of twenty-fourfold division: The aggregate of feeling caused by eye contact is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad. The aggregate of feeling caused by ear contact. :P: The aggregate of feeling caused by nose contact. :P: The aggregate of feeling caused by tongue contact. :P: The aggre- gate of feeling caused by body contact. ;P: The aggregate of feeling caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither-good- nor-bad. Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact ; feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of feeling by another way of twenty-fourfold division: [27]. The aggregate of feeling caused by eye contact is resultant; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. The aggregate of feeling caused by ear contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by nose contact.

P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by tongue contact. : P 2 : The

aggregate of feeling caused by body contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by mind contact is resultant; :P a : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Feeling born of eye contact; :P 3 : feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P^See para. 35. P 2 = Complete each as first example.

P 3 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of feeling by way of thirtyfold division: The aggregate of feeling caused by eye contact is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is charact- eristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact. :P: Caused by tongue contact. : P : Caused by body contact. : P : The aggre- gate of feeling caused by mind contact is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is charac- teristic of the formless plane ; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggre- gate of feeling by way of thirtyfold division.

P = Complete each as first example.


The aggregate of feeling by way of manifold division: The aggregate of feeling caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact. :P: Caused by tongue contact. :P: Caused by body contact. :P: The aggregate of feeling caused by mind contact is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad ; is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of manifold division.

P = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of feeling by another way of manifold division: The aggregate of feeling caused by eye contact is resultant;

P*: has internal object; has external object; has both internal and

external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is character- istic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). The aggregate of feeling caused by ear contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by nose contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by tongue contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by body contact.

P 2 : The aggregate of feeling caused by mind contact is resultant ;
P*: [28] has internal object; has external object; has both internal

and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Feeling born of eye contact; feeling born of ear contact; feeling born of nose contact; feeling born of tongue contact; feeling born of body contact; feeling born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of feeling by way of manifold division.

P 1 = See para. 35. P 2 — Complete each as first example.




62. Therein what is the aggregate of perception? The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root ; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad.

The aggregate of perception by way of fourfold division: Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane).

The aggregate of perception by way of fivefold division: Is associated with the controlling faculty of pleasure (physical); is associated with the controlling faculty of pain (physical); is associated with the controlling faculty of mental pleasure; is associated with the controlling faculty of mental pain; is asso- ciated with the controlling faculty of indifference. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of fivefold division.

The aggregate of perception by way of sixfold division: Percep- tion born of eye contact; perception born of ear contact; percep- tion born of nose contact; perception born of tongue contact; perception born of body contact; perception born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of sixfold division.

The aggregate of perception by way of sevenfold division: Perception born of eye contact; perception born of ear contact; perception born of nose contact; perception born of tongue contact ; perception born of body contact ; perception born of mind- element-contact ; perception born of mind-consciousness-element- contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of perception by way of eightfold division: Perception born of eye contact; :P: perception born of body contact that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; perception born of mind-element-contact; perception born of mind-consciousness-element-contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of eightfold division.

P = Intermediate senses.


The aggregate of perception by way of ninefold division: Perception born of eye contact; :P: perception born of body contact; perception born of mind-element-contact; perception born of mind-consciousness-element-contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of ninefold division.

P = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division: Perception born of eye contact; :P: perception born of body contact that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; perception born of mind-element-contact; perception born of mind-consciousness-element-contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division. [29].

P = Intermediate senses.

63. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling ; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. : P : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

64. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is grasped (by craving and false view), is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied


by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application. Is accompanied by zest; is accompanied by pleasure; is accompanied by indifference. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path ; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is cumulative (of continuing rebirth and death); is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive. Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supramundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasur- able object. Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time); is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. Is risen ; is not risen ; is bound to arise. Is past ; is future ; is present. Has past object; has future object; has present object. Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

65. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root. Is not root, is accompanied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root. Is mundane; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way; is not cognizable by another way. Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defilements ; is not associated with the defilements. [30]. Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements. Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters. Is associated with the fetters ; is not associated with the fetters. Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters ; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters. Is the object of the ties; is not the


object of the ties. Is associated with the ties, is not associated with the ties. Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties. Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods. Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods. Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods ; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods. Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds. Is associated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds. Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds. Is the object of the hindrances; is not the object of the hindrances. Is associated with the hindrances ; is not associated with the hindrances. Is not associated with the hin- drances, is the object of the hindrances; is not associated with the hindrances, is not the object of the hindrances. Is the object of the perversions; is not the object of the perversions. Is associated with the perversions; is not associated with the perversions. Is not associated with the perversions, is the object of the perversions; is not associated with the perversions, is not the object of the perversions. Is grasped; is not grasped. Is the object of the attachments; is not the object of the attachments. Is associated with the attachments; is not associated with the attachments. Is not associated with the attachments, is the object of the attach- ments; is not associated with the attachments, is not the object of the attachments. Is the object of the corruptions; is not the object of the corruptions. Is corrupt; is not corrupt. Is associated with the corruptions; is not associated with the corruptions. Is not associated with the corruptions, is the object of the corruptions; is not associated with the corruptions, is not the object of the corruptions. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is not to be abandoned by the first path. Is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path ; has no root to be abandoned by the first path. Has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; ha$ no root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Is accom- panied by initial application; is without initial application. Is accompanied by sustained application ; is without sustained appli- cation. Is with zest; is without zest. Is accompanied by zest; is not accompanied by zest. Is accompanied by pleasure; is not accom- panied by pleasure. Is accompanied by indifference; is not


accompanied by indifference. Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is not characteristic of the plane of desire. Is characteristic of the plane of form ; is not characteristic of the plane of form. Is characteristic of the formless plane; is not characteristic of the formless plane. Is included (i.e. is mundane); is not included (i.e. is supramundane) [31]. Tends to release; does not tend to release. Is of fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Is surpassable; is not surpassable. Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad. : P : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

66. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Is result- ant; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P 1 = See para. 64. P 2 = See para. 62.

[As explained in the good triplet (of Dhs.); so should all the

triplets be explained].


67. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division. [32]

P = See para. 62.


68. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root. :P: Is with cause of bewailing ; is without cause of bewailing.

P = See para. 65.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

69. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling ; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Is resultant ; rP 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P^See para. 64. P 2 =See para. 62.

7. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root. :P: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing. [33]

P = See para. 65.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: rP 1 : Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. : P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P' = Some texts do not include this :P: P 2 = See para. 62.



71. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

72. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling ; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 62.

73. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not root, is accompanied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division. [ 34 ]

P — See para. 62.

74. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is mundane; is supramundane.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.


75. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is cognizable by one way; is not cognizable by another way.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

76. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application.

P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

77. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with the defilements; is not associated with the defile- ments.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by zest; is accompanied by pleasure; is accompanied by indifference. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division. [35]

P = See para. 62.

78. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements.


The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division : Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subse- quent paths ; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

79. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division : Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. :P:

Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

80. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with the fetters; is not associated with the fetters.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is cumulative; is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

81. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters. [36]

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supramundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.


82. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

83. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with the ties ; is not associated with the ties.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division : Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

84. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

85. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division : Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods.

[37] The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fi^ed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

86. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.


The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

87. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is risen; is not risen; is bound to arise. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

88. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division : Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is past; is future; is present. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 62.

89. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is associated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds.

[38] The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Has past object; has future object; has present object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

90. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.


The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Is internal ; is external ; is both internal and external. : P : Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 62.

91. The aggregate of perception by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of perception by way of twofold division : Is the object of the hindrances; is not the object of the hindrances.

The aggregate of perception by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of tenfold division.

P — See para. 62.


The aggregate of perception by way of sevenfold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad ; is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is character- istic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of perception by another way of sevenfold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). :P: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is character- istic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of sevenfold division. [39]

P = See para. 64.


The aggregate of perception by way of twenty-fourfold division: The aggregate of perception caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact. :P: Caused by tongue contact. :P: Caused by body contact. :P: The aggregate of perception caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. Perception born of eye contact ; perception born of ear contact ; perception born of nose contact; perception born of tongue contact; perception born of body contact; perception born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of perception by another way of twenty-fourfold division: The aggregate of perception caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; :P X : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Caused by ear contact. :P 2 : Caused by nose contact. :P 2 : Caused by tongue contact. :P 2 : Caused by body contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of perception caused by mind contact is associated with pleasant feeling; :P X : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Perception born of eye contact; :P 3 : perception born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of percep- tion by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P 1 = See para. 64. P 2 = Complete each as first example.

P 3 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of perception by way of thirtyfold division: The aggregate of perception caused by eye contact is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Caused by ear contact. : P 1 : Caused by nose contact.

P 1 : Caused by tongue contact. :P X : Caused by body contact. :P 1 :

The aggregate of perception caused by mind contact is character- istic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Perception born of eye contact; :P 2 : perception born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of thirtyfold division.

p 1 ^ Complete each as first example. P 2 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of perception by way of manifold division: The aggregate of perception caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is


neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. : P 1 : Caused by nose contact. cP 1 : Caused by tongue contact. :P X : Caused by body contact. : P 1 : The aggregate of perception caused by mind contact is good ; is bad ; is neither-good- nor-bad ; [40] is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is character- istic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Perception born of eye contact; :P 2 : perception born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of manifold division.

P 1 = Complete each as first example. P 2 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of perception by another way of manifold division: The aggregate of perception caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; :P X : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is character- istic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. :P 2 : Caused by nose contact. :P 2 : Caused by tongue contact. : P 2 : Caused by body contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of perception caused by mind contact (is associated with pleasant feeling :P X :)* has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Perception born of eye contact; perception born of ear contact; perception born of nose contact; perception born of tongue contact; perception born of body contact; percep- tion born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of perception by way of manifold division.

P 1 = See para. 64. P 2 = Complete each as first example.

  • Omitted in Chafthasangayana Text.



92. Therein what is the aggregate of mental concomitants? The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.


The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division: Is root; is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of fourfold division: Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane ; is not included (i.e. is supramundane).

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of fivefold division: Is associated with the controlling faculty of pleasure (physical); is associated with the controlling faculty of pain (physical); is associated with the controlling faculty of mental pleasure; is associated with the controlling faculty of mental pain; is associated with the controlling faculty of indifference. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of fivefold division.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sixfold division: Volition born of eye contact; volition born of ear contact; volition born of nose contact; volition born of tongue contact; volition born of body contact; volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sixfold division.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sevenfold division: Volition born of eye contact; volition of ear contact; volition born of nose contact; volition born of tongue contact; volition born of body contact; [ 41 ] volition born of mind-element- contact; volition born of mind-consciousness-element-contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of eightfold division: Volition born of eye contact; :P: volition born of body contact that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; volition born of mind-element-contact; volition born of mind-consciousness-element-contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of eightfold division.

P = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of ninefold divi- ' sion: Volition born of eye contact; :P: volition born of mind- element-contact; volition born of mind-consciousness-element-


contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of ninefold division.

P = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold divi- sion : Volition born of eye contact ; : P : volition born of body contact that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; volition born of mind-element-contact; volition born of mind- consciousness-element-contact that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomi- tants by way of tenfold division.

P = Intermediate senses.

93. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is root ; is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Is grasped (by craving and false view), is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attach- ments. Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions ; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only ; is without initial application, without sustained application. Is accompanied by zest; is accompanied by pleasure; is accompanied by indifference. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has rqpt to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is cumulative (of con- tinuing rebirth and death); is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive. Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supramundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages


nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low; is sublime; is im- measurable. Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasur- able object. Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Has path as its object; has path as its cause ; has path as its dominating factor. Is risen ; is not risen; is bound to arise. Is past; it future; is present. Has past object ; has future object ; has present object. Is internal ; is external ; is both internal and external. Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

94. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root. [42] Is associated with root; is not associated with root. Is root also accompanied by root; is accompanied by root but is not root. Is root also associated with root; is associated with root but is not root. Is not root, is accompanied by root ; is not root, is not accom- panied by root. Is mundane; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way ; is not cognizable by another way. Is defilement ; is not defilement. Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defilements; is not associated with the defilements. Is defilement also the object of the defile- ments; is the object of the defilements but is not defilement. Is defilement also associated with the defilements ; is associated with the defilements but is not defilement. Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements. Is fetter; is not fetter. Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters. Is associated with the fetters; is not associated with the fetters. Is fetter also the object of the fetters; is the object of the fetters but is not fetter. Is fetter also associated with the fetters; is associated with the fetters but is not fetter. Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters.

Is tie; is not tie. Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties. Is associated with the ties; is not associated with the ties. Is


tie also the object of the ties; is the object of the ties but is not tie. Is tie also associated with the ties; is associated with the ties but is not tie. [43] Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties. Is flood; is not flood. Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods. Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods. Is flood also the object of the floods; is the object of the floods but is not flood. Is flood also associated with the floods ; is associated with the floods but is not flood. Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods. Is bond; is not bond. Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds. Is associated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds. Is bond also the object of the bonds; is the object of the bonds but is not bond. Is bond also associated with the bonds; is associated with the bonds but is not bond. Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds. Is hindrance; is not hindrance. Is the object of the hindrances ; is not the object of the hindrances. Is associated with the hindrances; is not associated with the hindrances. Is hindrance also the object of the hindrances; is the object of the hindrances but is not hindrance. Is hindrance also associated with the hindrances; is associated with the hindrances but is not hin- drance. Is not associated with the hindrances, is the object of the hindrances; is not associated with the hindrances, is not the object of the hindrances.

Is perversion; is not perversion. Is the object of the perversions; is not the object of the perversions. Is associated with the perver- sions; is not associated with the perversions. Is perversion also the object of the perversions ; is the object of the perversions but is not perversion. [44] Is not associated with the perversions, is the object of the perversions; is not associated with the perversions, is not the object of the perversions. Is grasped; is not grasped. Is attach- ment; is not attachment. Is the object of the attachments; is not the object of the attachments. Is associated with the attachments; is not associated with the attachments. Is attachment also the object of the attachments; is the object of the attachments but is not attachment. Is attachment also associated with the attach- ments; is associated with the attachments but is not attachment. Is not associated with the attachments, is the object of the attach-

5 +


ments; is not associated with the attachments, is not the object of the attachments.

Is corruption; is not corruption. Is the object of the corruptions ; is not the object of the corruptions. Is corrupt; is not corrupt. Is associated with the corruptions ; is not associated with the corrup- tions. Is corruption also the object of the corruptions; is the object of the corruptions but is not corruption. Is corruption also corrupt; is corrupt but is not corruption. Is corruption also associated with the corruptions; is associated with the corruptions but is not corruption. Is not associated with the corruptions, is the object of the corruptions ; is not associated with the corruptions, is not the object of the corruptions. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is not to be abandoned by the first path. Is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has no root to be abandoned by the first path. Has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths.

Is accompanied by initial application; is without initial applica- tion. Is accompanied by sustained application; is without sustained application. Is with zest; is without zest. [45] Is accompanied by zest; is not accompanied by zest. Is accompanied by pleasure; is not accompanied by pleasure. Is accompanied by indifference; is not accompanied by indifference. Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is not characteristic of the plane of desire. Is characteristic of the plane of form; is not characteristic of the plane of form. Is characteristic of the formless plane; is not characteristic of the formless plane. Is included (i.e. is mundane); is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Tends to release; does not tend to release. Is of fixed (resultant time); is of no fixed (resultant time). Is surpass- able ; is not surpassable. Is with cause of bewailing ; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

95. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.


The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object.

P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of ten-

fold division.

P’ = See para. 93. P 2 = See para. 92.


96. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is root; is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

97. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

98. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold cjjvision: Is root; is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomi- tants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.


99. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental con- comitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.


100. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is root; is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.^


P = See para. 92.

101. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division Is accompanied by root ; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. : P : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

102. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is associated with root; is not associated with root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi- Ission: resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor


productive of resultant. : P : Thus is the aggregate of mental con- comitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

103. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is root also accompanied by root; is accompanied by root but is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division : Is grasped, is the object of the attachments ; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division. [48]

P = See para. 92.

104. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is root also associated with root ; is associated with root but is not root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

105. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is not root, is accompanied by root ; is not root, is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application ; is without initial application, sustained appli- cation only ; is without initial application, without sustained applica- tion. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.


106. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is mundane; is supramundane.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by zest; is accompanied by pleasure; is accompanied by indifference. : P : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

107. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is cognizable by one way ; is not cognizable by another way.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi- sion: Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division. [ 49 ]

P = See para. 92.

108. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division ; Is defilement; is not defilement.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi- sion: Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. :P; Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

109. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defile- ments.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi-


sion: Is cumulative; is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dis- persive. : P : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

110. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is associated with the defilements; is not associated with the defilements.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supra- mundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

111. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is defilement also the object of the defilements; is the object of the defilements but is not defilement.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

112. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is defilement also associated with the defilements; is asso- ciated with the defilements but is not defilement.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division. [50]

P = See para. 92.

113. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.


The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold divi- sion: Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division. ’

P = See para. 92.

114. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is fetter; is not fetter.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi- sion : Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is of no fixed (resultant time). : P : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

115. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental con- comitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

116. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is associated with the fetters ; is not associated with the fetters.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is risen; is not risen; is bound to arise. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division. [ 51 ]

P = See para. 92.


117. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division : Is fetter also the object of the fetters; is the object of the fetters but is not fetter.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold divi- sion: Is past; is future; is present. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

118. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division : Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division: Is fetter also associated with the fetters; is associated with the fetters but is not fetter.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has past object; has future object; has present object.

P : Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold


P = See para. 92.

119. The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.

120. «The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of singlefold division: Is associated with consciousness.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twofold division: Is tie; is not tie.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal 5*


and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of mental concomi- tants by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 92.


The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sevenfold division : Is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad ; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by another way of sevenfold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). :P: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is character- istic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of sevenfold division.

P = See para. 93.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twenty-fourfold division: The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. Caused by ear contact. rP 1 : Caused by nose contact. : P 1 : Caused by tongue contact. :P X : Caused by body contact. : P 1 : The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither- good-nor-bad. Volition born of eye contact; :P 2 : volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P 1 ^: Complete as first example. P 2 — Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by another way of twenty- fourfold division: The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; :P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object.


Caused by ear contact. : P 2 : Caused by nose contact. : P 2 : Caused by tongue contact. :P 2 : Caused by body contact. : P 2 ; The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by mind contact is associated with pleasant feeling; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Volition born of eye contact; volition born of ear contact ; volition born of nose contact ; volition born of tongue contact; volition born of body contact; volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P* = See para. 93. P 2 = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of thirtyfold division: The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by eye contact is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. : P 1 : Caused by nose contact. : P 1 : [53] Caused by tongue contact.

P 1 : Caused by body contact. : P 1 : The aggregate of mental con-

comitants caused by mind contact is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Volition born of eye contact ; : P 2 : volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of thirtyfold division.

P x = Complete as first example. P 2 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of mental concomitants by way of manifold division: The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). — Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact.

P : Caused by tongue contact. : P : Caused by body contact. : P :

The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Volition born of eye contact ; volition born of ear contact ; volition born of nose contact; volition born of tongue contact; volition born of body contact; volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of manifold division.

P = Complete as first example.


The aggregate of mental concomitants by another way of mani- fold division : The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. : P 1 : Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is character- istic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane ; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. :P 2 : Caused by nose contact. ;P 2 : Caused by tongue contact. : P 2 : Caused by body contact. : P 2 : The aggregate of mental concomitants caused by mind contact is associated with pleasant feeling; rP 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Volition born of eye contact; volition born of ear contact ; volition born of nose contact ; volition born of tongue contact; volition born of body contact; volition born of mind contact. Thus is the aggregate of mental concomitants by way of manifold division.

Pl. See para. 93. P 2 = Complete each as first example.



121. Therein what is the aggregate of consciousness? The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact. [54]

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of fourfold division: Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane).

The aggregate of consciousness by way of fivefold division: Is associated with the controlling faculty of pleasure (physical); is associated with the controlling faculty of pain (physical) ; is asso-


dated with the controlling faculty of mental pleasure ; is associated with the controlling faculty of mental pain ; is associated with the controlling faculty of indifference. Thus is the aggregate of con- sciousness by way of fivefold division.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of sixfold division : Eye consciousness; ear consciousness; nose consciousness; tongue consciousness; body consciousness; mind consciousness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of sixfold division.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of sevenfold division: Eye consciousness; ear consciousness; nose consciousness; tongue con- sciousness; body consciousness; mind element; mind-conscious- ness-element. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of eightfold division : Eye consciousness ; ear consciousness ; nose consciousness ; tongue consciousness ; body consciousness that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; mind element; mind-consciousness- element. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of eightfold division.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of ninefold division: Eye consciousness ; ear consciousness ; nose consciousness ; tongue con- sciousness; body consciousness; mind element; mind-conscious- ness-element that is good, that is bad, that is neither-good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of ninefold divi- sion.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division : Eye consciousness; :P: body consciousness that is accompanied by pleasure, that is accompanied by pain; mind element; mind- consciousness- element that is good, that is bad, that is neither- good-nor-bad. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = Intermediate senses.

122. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: I s associated with pleasant feeling ; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. [55] Is


resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor pro- ductive of resultant. Is grasped (by craving and false view), is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments ; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. Is accompanied by initial application, accom- panied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application. Is accompanied by zest; is accompanied by pleasure ; is accompanied by indifference. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Is cumulative (of continuing rebirth and death) ; is dispersive ; is neither cumulative nor disper- sive. Is of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supra- mundane stage ; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is of no fixed (resultant time). Has path as its object; has path as its cause; has path as its dominating factor. Is risen; is not risen; is bound to arise. Is past; is future; is present. Has past object; has future object; has present object. Is internal; is external; is both internal and external. Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

123. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root. Is not root, is accompanied by root; is not root, is not accompanied by root. Is mundane; is supramundane. Is cognizable by one way; is not cognizable by another way. Is the object of the defilements; is not the object of the defilements. Is associated with the defilements ; is


not associated with the defilements. Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements ; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements. Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters. Is associated with the fetters ; is not associated with the fetters. Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters.

Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties. Is associated with the ties; is not associated with the ties. Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not associated with the ties, is not the object of the ties. Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods. Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods. Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods. Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds. Is associated with the bonds; is not associated with the bonds. Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds. Is the object of the hindrances; [56] is not the object of the hindrances. Is associated with the hindrances; is not associated with the hindrances. Is not associated with the hindrances, is the object of the hindrances ; is not associated with the hindrances, is not the object of the hindrances.

Is the object of the perversions; is not the object of the per- versions. Is associated with the perversions; is not associated with the perversions. Is not associated with the perversions, is the object of the perversions; is not associated with the perversions, is not the object of the perversions. Is grasped; is not grasped. Is the object of the attachments ; is not the object of the attachments. Is associated with the attachments; is not associated with the attachments. Is not associated with the attachments, is the object of the attachments; is not associated with the attachments, is not the object of the attach- ments. Is the object of the corruptions; is not the object of the corruptions. Is corrupt; is not corrupt. Is associated with the corruptions ; is not associated with the corruptions. Is not associated with the corruptions, is the object of the corruptions; is not asso- ciated with the corruptions, is not the object of the corruptions. Is to be abandoned by the first path; is not to be abandoned by the first path. Is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; is not to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Has root to be abandoned by


the first path; has no root to be abandoned by the first path. Has root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; has no root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths.

Is accompanied by initial application ; is without initial applica- tion. Is accompanied by sustained application; is without sustained application. Is with zest; is without zest. Is accompanied by zest; is not accompanied by zest. Is accompanied by pleasure; is not accompanied by pleasure. Is accompanied by indifference; is not accompanied by indifference. Is characteristic of the plane of desire; is not characteristic of the plane of desire. Is characteristic of the plane of form; is not characteristic of the plane of form. Is characteristic of the formless plane; is not characteristic of the formless plane. Is included (i.e. is mundane); is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Tends to release; does not tend to release. Is of fixed (resultant time) ; is of no fixed (resultant time). Is surpassable ; is not surpassable. Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing. [57]

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

124. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of three-fold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Is resultant;

P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and

external object. : P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P* = See para. 122. P 2 = See para. 121.


125. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.


The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

126. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with root; is not associated with root. :P: Is with cause of bewailing; is without cause of bewailing.

P = See para. 123.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad. : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division. [58]

P = See para. 121.

127. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling ; is associated with painful feeling ; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Is resultant ;

P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and

external object. : P 2 : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P^See para. 122. P 2 = See para. 121.

128. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with root ; is not associated with root. : P : Is with cause of bewailing ; is without cause of bewailing.

P = See para. 123.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and


external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.


129. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is accompanied by root ; is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is good ; is bad ; is neither-good-nor-bad. : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division. [59]

P = See para. 121.

130. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with root ; is not associated with root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. : P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P= See para. 121.

131. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division : Is not root, is accompanied by root ; is not root, is not accompanied by root.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is resultant; is productive of resultant; is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

132. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is mundane; is supramundane.


The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is the object of the attachments; is not grasped, is not the object of the attachments. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

133. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is cognizable by one way; is not cognizable by another way.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is the object of the corruptions; is not corrupt, is not the object of the corruptions. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

134. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is the object of the defilements ; is not the object of the defilements.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; is without initial application, sustained application only; is without initial application, without sustained application.

P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold


P = See para. 121.

135. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with the defilements ; is not associated with the defile- ments.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is accompanied by zest ; is accompanied by pleasure ; is accompanied by indifference. : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.


136. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements; is not associated with the defilements, is not the object of the defilements.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is to be abandoned by the first path; is to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. : P: Thus is the aggregate of conscious- ness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

137. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division : Is the object of the fetters; is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Has root to be abandoned by the first path; has root to be aband- oned by the subsequent paths; has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para, 121.

138. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with the fetters; is not associated with the fetters.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is cumulative; is dispersive; is neither cumulative nor dispersive. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

139. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters; is not associated with the fetters, is not the object of the fetters.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is


of the seven supramundane stages; is of the final supramundane stage; is neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. : P : Thus is the aggregate of conscious- ness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

140. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is the object of the ties; is not the object of the ties.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is low; is sublime; is immeasurable. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

141 . The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division : Is associated with the ties; is not associated with the ties.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold divisions: Has low object; has sublime object; has immeasurable object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division. P = See para. 121.

142. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the ties, is the object of the ties; is not asso- ciated with the ties, is not the object of the ties.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division : Is inferior; is intermediate; is superior. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

143. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is the object of the floods; is not the object of the floods.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is a false (state with) fixed (resultant time) ; is a right (state with)


fixed (resultant time) ; is of no fixed (resultant time). : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

144. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division; Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with the floods; is not associated with the floods.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division; Has path as its object ; has path as its cause ; has path as its dominat- ing factor. : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

145. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the floods, is the object of the floods; is not associated with the floods, is not the object of the floods.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is risen; is not risen; is bound to arise. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

146. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is the object of the bonds; is not the object of the bonds.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is past; is future; is present. :P: Thus is the aggregate of conscious- ness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

147. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is associated with the bonds ; is not associated with the bonds.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Has past object; has future object; has present object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division,

P = See para. 121.


148. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division: Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is not associated with the bonds, is the object of the bonds; is not associated with the bonds, is not the object of the bonds.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Is internal ; is external ; is both internal and external. : P : Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.

149. The aggregate of consciousness by way of singlefold division : Is associated with contact.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of twofold division: Is the object of the hindrances; is not the object of the hindrances.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of threefold division: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. :P: Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of tenfold division.

P = See para. 121.


The aggregate of consciousness by way of sevenfold division: Is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is character- istic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of sevenfold division.

The aggregate of consciousness by another way of sevenfold division: Is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). :P: Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is character- istic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of sevenfold division.

P= See para. 122.


The aggregate of consciousness by way of twenty-fourfold division: The aggregate of consciousness caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad. Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact. :P: Caused by tongue contact. :P: Caused by body contact. :P: The aggregate of consciousness caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor/bad. Eye consciousness ; ear consciousness ; nose consciousness ; tongue consciousness; body consciousness; mind consciousness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of twenty- fourfold division.

P = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of consciousness by another way of twenty- fourfold division: The aggregate of consciousness caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; is associated with painful feeling; is associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. : P 1 : Has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Caused by ear contact. :P 2 : Caused by nose contact. :P 2 : Caused by tongue contact. :P 2 : Caused by body contact. :P 2 : The aggregate of consciousness caused by mind contact rP 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object. Eye consciousness; ear con- sciousness ; nose consciousness ; tongue consciousness ; body consciousness; mind consciousness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of twenty-fourfold division.

P x = See para. 122. P 2 = Complete each as first example.

The aggregate of consciousness by way of thirtyfold division: The aggregate of consciousness caused by eye contact is character- istic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Caused by ear contact. :P: Caused by nose contact.

P: Caused by tongue contact. :P: Caused by body contact. :P:

The aggregate of consciousness caused by mind contact is characteristic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). [61] Eye consciousness; ear consciousness; nose consciousness; tongue consciousness; body consciousness; mind consciousness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of thirtyfold division.

P = Complete each as first example.


The aggregate of consciousness by way of manifold division: The aggregate of consciousness caused by eye contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Caused by ear contact. :P 1 : Caused by nose contact. : P 1 : Caused by tongue contact. iP 1 : Caused by body contact. iP 1 : The aggregate of consciousness caused by mind contact is good; is bad; is neither-good-nor-bad; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supramundane). Eye consciousness;

P 2 : mind consciousness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness

by way of manifold division.

P 1 = Complete each as first example. P 2 = Intermediate senses.

The aggregate of consciousness by another way of manifold division: The aggregate of consciousness caused by eye contact is associated with pleasant feeling; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is character- istic of the plane of desire ; is characteristic of the plane of form ; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Caused by ear contact. :P 2 : Caused by nose contact.

P 2 : Caused by tongue contact, :P 2 : Caused by body contact. : P 2 :

The aggregate of consciousness caused by mind contact is asso- ciated with pleasant feeling; : P 1 : has internal object; has external object; has both internal and external object; is characteristic of the plane of desire; is characteristic of the plane of form; is characteristic of the formless plane; is not included (i.e. is supra- mundane). Eye consciousness; ear consciousness; nose conscious- ness; tongue consciousness; body consciousness; mind conscious- ness. Thus is the aggregate of consciousness by way of manifold division.

P 1 = See para. 122. P 2 = Complete each as first example.





150. The five aggregates are: The aggregate of material quality,

aggregate of feeling, aggregate of perception, aggregate of jjhental concomitants, aggregate of consciousness. *

151. Of the five aggregates how many are good; how many bad; how many neither-good-nor-bad. :P: How many with cause of bewailing; how many without cause of bewailing? [62]

P = Remaining appropriate triplets and couplets.


152. The aggregate of material quality is neither-good-nor-bad. Four aggregates sometimes are good; sometimes are bad; some- times are neither-good-nor-bad. Two aggregates should not be said to be either, associated with pleasant feeling ; associated with painful feeling or associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. Three aggregates sometimes are associated with pleasant feeling; sometimes are associated with painful feeling; sometimes are associated with neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The aggregate of material quality is neither resultant nor productive of resultant. Four aggregates sometimes are resultants; sometimes are productive of resultants; sometimes are neither resultants nor productive of resultants. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is grasped (by craving and false view), is the object of the attachments; sometimes is not grasped, is the object of the attachments. Four aggregates sometimes are grasped, are objects of the attachments ; sometimes are not grasped, are objects of the attachments; sometimes are not grasped, are not objects of the attachments.

The aggregate of material quality is not corrupt, is. the object of the corruptions. Four aggregates sometimes are corrupt, are objects of the corruptions; sometimes are not corrupt, are objects of the corruptions; sometimes are not corrupt, are not objects of the corruptions. The aggregate of material quality is without initial application, without sustained application. Three aggregates sometimes are accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; sometimes are without initial application,


sustained application only; sometimes are without initial applica- tion, without sustained application. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; sometimes is without initial application, sustained application only; sometimes is without initial application, without sustained application; some- times should not be said to be either, accompanied by initial application, accompanied by sustained application; without initial application, sustained application only or without initial applica- tion, without sustained application. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be either, accompanied by zest; accompanied by pleasure or accompanied by indifference. The aggregate of feeling sometimes is accompanied by zest; is not accompanied by pleasure; is not accompanied by indifference; sometimes should not be said to be, accompanied by zest. Three aggregates sometimes are accompanied by zest; sometimes are accompanied by pleasure; sometimes are accompanied by indif- ference; sometimes should not be said to be either, accompanied by zest; accompanied by pleasure or accompanied by indifference.

The aggregate of material quality is not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Four aggregates sometimes are to be abandoned by the first path; sometimes are to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; sometimes are not to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. The aggregate of material quality has no root to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. Four aggregates sometimes have roots to be abandoned by the first path; some- times have roots to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; sometimes have no roots to be abandoned either by the first path or by the subsequent paths. The aggregate of material quality is neither cumulative nor dispersive (of continuing rebirth and death). Four aggregates sometimes are cumulative; sometimes are dispersive; sometimes are neither cumulative nor dispersive. The aggregate of material quality is neither of the seven supra- mundane stages nor of the final supramundane stage. Four aggregates sometimes are of the seven supramundane stages; sometimes are of the final supramundane stage; sometimes are neither of the seven supramundane stages nor of the final supra- mundane stage. The aggregate of material quality is low. Four aggregates sometimes are low; sometimes are sublime; sometimes


are immeasurable. The aggregate of material quality has no object. Four aggregates sometimes have low objects; sometimes have sublime objects; sometimes have immeasurable objects; sometimes should not be said to have either, low objects; [63] sublime objects or immeasurable objects. The aggregate of material quality is intermediate. Four aggregates sometimes are inferior; sometimes are intermediate; sometimes are superior. The aggregate of material quality is of no fixed (resultant time). Four aggregates sometimes are false (states with) fixed (resultant time); sometimes are right (states with) fixed (resultant time); sometimes are of no fixed (resultant time).

The aggregate of material quality has no object. Four aggregates sometimes have path as their object; sometimes have path as their cause; sometimes have path as their dominating factor; sometimes should not be said to have either, path as their object; path as their cause or path as their dominating factor. (The five aggregates) Sometimes are risen ; sometimes are not risen ; some- times are bound to arise. Sometimes are past; sometimes are future; sometimes are present. The aggregate of material quality has no object. Four aggregates sometimes have past objects; sometimes have future objects; sometimes have present objects; sometimes should not be said to have either, past objects; future objects or present objects. (The five aggregates) Sometimes are internal ; sometimes are external ; sometimes are both internal and external. The aggregate of material quality has no object. Four aggregates sometimes have internal objects; sometimes have external objects; sometimes have both internal and external objects; sometimes should not be said to have either, internal objects; external objects or both internal and external objects. Four aggregates are not visible, not impingent. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is visible, is impingent; sometimes is not visible, is impingent; sometimes is not visible, is not impingent.


153. Four aggregates are not roots. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is root; sometimes is not root. The aggregate of material quality is not accompanied by root. Four aggregates sometimes are accompanied by root ; sometimes are not accompanied by root. The aggregate of material quality is not


associated with root. Four aggregates sometimes are associated with roots; sometimes are not associated with roots. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, root also accompanied by root or accompanied by root but is not root. Three aggregates should not be said to be, roots also accompanied by roots; (they) sometimes are accompanied by roots but are not roots ; sometimes should not be said to be, accompanied by roots but are not roots. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is root also accompanied by root; sometimes is accompanied by root but is not root ; sometimes should not be said to be, root also accompanied by root or accompanied by root but is not root. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, root also associated with root or associated with root but is not root. Three aggregates should not be said to be, roots also associated with roots; (they) sometimes are associated with roots but are not roots; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with roots but are not roots. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is root also associated with root ; sometimes is associated with root but is not root ; sometimes should not be said to be, root also associated with root or associated with root but is not root. The aggregate of material quality is not root, is not accompanied by root. [64] Three aggregates sometimes are not roots, are accompanied by roots; sometimes are not roots, are not accompanied by roots. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is not root, is accompanied by root; sometimes is not root, is not accompanied by root; sometimes should not be said to be, not root, is accom- panied by root or not root, is not accompanied by root. (1)

(The five aggregates) Are with cause. Are conditioned.

Four aggregates are not visible. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is visible; sometimes is not visible. Four aggregates are not impingent. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is impingent; sometimes is not impingent. The aggregate of material quality is material. Four aggregates are not material. The aggregate of material quality is mundane. Four aggregates sometimes are mundane ; sometimes are supramundane. (The five aggregates) Are cognizable by one way; are not cogniz- able by another way. (2)

Four aggregates are not defilements. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is defilement; sometimes is not defile- ment. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the


defilements. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the defile- ments ; sometimes are not objects of the defilements. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the defilements. Four aggregates sometimes are associated with the defilements; some- times are not associated with the defilements. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, defilement also the object of the defilements; (it) is the object of the defilements but is not defilement. Three aggregates should not be said to be, defilements also objects of the defilements; (they) sometimes are objects of the defilements but are not defilements; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the defilements but are not defilements. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is defilement also the object of the defilements; sometimes is the object of the defilements but is not defilement; sometimes should not be said to be, defilement also the object of the defilements or the object of the defilements but is not defilement. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, defilement also associated with the defilements or associated with the defile- ments but is not defilement. Three aggregates should not be said to be, defilement also associated with the defilements ; (they) sometimes are associated with the defilements but are not defile- ments; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the defilements but are not defilements. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is defilement also associated with the defilements; sometimes is associated with the defilements but is not defilement; sometimes should not be said to be, defilement also associated with the defilements or associated with the defile- ments but is not defilement. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the defilements, is the object of the defilements. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the defilements, are objects of the defilements; sometimes are not associated with the defilements, are not objects of the defilements; sometimes should not be said to be, not associated with the' defilements, are objects of the defilements or not associated with the defilements, are not objects of the defilements. (3)

Four aggregates are not fetters. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is fetter; sometimes is not fetter. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the fetters. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the fetters; sometimes are not objects of the fetters. The aggregate of material quality is not


associated with the fetters. Four aggregates sometimes are asso- ciated with the fetters; sometimes are not associated with the fetters. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, fetter also the object of the fetters; (it) is the object of the fetters but is not fetter. Three aggregates should not be said to be, fetters also objects of the fetters; [65] (they) sometimes are objects of the fetters but are not fetters; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the fetters but are not fetters. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is fetter also the object of the fetters; sometimes is the object of the fetters but is not fetter; sometimes should not be said to be, fetter also the object of the fetters or the object of the fetters but is not fetter. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, fetter also associated with the fetters or associated with the fetters but is not fetter. Three aggregates should not be said to be, fetters also associated with the fetters; (they) sometimes are associated with the fetters but are not fetters ; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the fetters but are not fetters. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is fetter also associated with the fetters ; sometimes is associated with the fetters but is not fetter; some- times should not be said to be, fetter also associated with the fetters or associated with the fetters but is not fetter. The aggre- gate of material quality is not associated with the fetters, is the object of the fetters. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the fetters, are objects of the fetters; sometimes are not associated with the fetters, are not objects of the fetters; some- times should not be said to be, not associated with the fetters, are objects of the fetters or not associated with the fetters, are not objects of the fetters. (4)

Four aggregates are not ties. The aggregate of mental con- comitants sometimes is tie ; sometimes is not tie. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the ties. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the ties; sometimes are not objects of the ties. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the ties. Four aggregates sometimes are associated with the ties; sometimes are not associated with the ties. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, tie also the object of the ties; (it) is the object of the ties but is not tie. Three aggregates should not be said to be, ties also objects of the ties; (they) sometimes are objects of the ties but are not ties; sometimes should not be said


to be, objects of the ties but are not ties. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is tie also the object of the ties; some- times is the object of the ties but is not tie ; sometimes should not be said to be, tie also the object of the ties or the object of the ties but is not tie. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, tie also associated with the ties or associated with the ties but is not tie. Three aggregates should not be said to be, ties also associated with the ties; (they) sometimes are associated with the ties but are not ties; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the ties but are not ties. The aggregate of mental concomit- ants sometimes is tie also associated with the ties; sometimes is associated with the ties but is not tie; sometimes should not be said to be, tie also associated with the ties or associated with the ties but is not tie. The aggregate of material quality is not asso- ciated with the ties, is the object of the ties. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the ties, are objects of the ties; sometimes are not associated with the ties, are not objects of the ties ; sometimes should not be said to be, not associated with the ties, are objects of the ties or not associated with the ties, are not objects of the ties. (5)

Four aggregates are not floods. :P: Are not bonds. :P: [66] Are not hindrances. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is hindrance; sometimes is not hindrance.

The aggregate of material quality is the object of the hindrances. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the hindrances; some- times are not objects of the hindrances. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the hindrances. Four aggregates sometimes are associated with the hindrances ; sometimes are not associated with the hindrances. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, hindrance also the object of the hin- drances; (it) is the object of the hindrances but is not hindrance. Three aggregates should not be said to be, hindrances also objects of the hindrances; (they) sometimes are objects of the hindrances but are not hindrances; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the hindrances but are not hindrances. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is hindrance also the object of the hindrances; sometimes is the object of the hindrances but is not hindrance; sometimes should not be said to be, hindrance also the object of the hindrances or the object of the hindrances but is not hindrance. The aggregate of material quality should not


be said to be, hindrance also associated with the hindrances or associated with the hindrances but is not hindrance. Three aggregates should not be said to be, hindrances also associated with the hindrances; (they) sometimes are associated with the hin- drances but are nor hindrances; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the hindrances but are not hindrances. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is hindrance also associated with the hindrances; sometimes is associated with the hindrances but is not hindrance; sometimes should not be said to be, hindrance also associated with the hindrances or associated with the hindrances but is not hindrance. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the hindrances, is the object of the hindrances. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the hindrances, are objects of the hindrances; sometimes are not associated with the hindrances, are not objects of the hin- drances; sometimes should not be said to be, not associated with the hindrances, are objects of the hindrances or not associated with the hindrances, are not objects of the hindrances. (8)

P = Complete as for hindrances.

Four aggregates are not perversions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is perversion; sometimes is not perver- sion. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the perver- sions. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the perversions; sometimes are not objects of the perversions. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the perversions. Three aggregates sometimes are associated with the perversions; some- times are not associated with the perversions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is associated with the perver- sions ; sometimes is not associated with the perversions ; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the perversions or not associated with the perversions. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, perversion also the object of the perver- sions; (it) is the object of the perversions but is not perversion. Three aggregates should not be said to be, perversions also objects of the perversions; (they) sometimes are objects of the perversions but are not perversions; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the perversions but are not perversions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is perversion also the object of the perversions; sometimes is the object of the perversions but is not perversion; sometimes should not be said to


be, perversion also the object of the perversions or the object of the perversions but is not perversion. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the perversions, is the object of the perver- sions. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the perversions, are objects of the perversions; sometimes are not associated with the perversions, are not objects of the perversions; [67] sometimes should not be said to be, not associated with the perversions, are objects of the perversions or not associated with the perversions, are not objects of the perversions. (9)

The aggregate of material quality has no object. Four aggregates have objects. The aggregate of consciousness is consciousness. Four aggregates are not consciousness. Three aggregates are mental concomitants. Two aggregates are not mental concomit- ants. Three aggregates are associated with consciousness. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with consciousness. The aggregate of consciousness should not be said to be, asso- ciated with consciousness or not associated with consciousness. Three aggregates are conjoined with consciousness. The aggregate of material quality is not conjoined with consciousness. The aggregate of consciousness should not be said to be, conjoined with consciousness or not conjoined with consciousness. Three aggre- gates are generated by consciousness. The aggregate of conscious- ness is not generated by consciousness. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is generated by consciousness ; sometimes is not generated by consciousness. Three aggregates are co-existent with consciousness. The aggregate of consciousness is not co-existent with consciousness. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is co-existent with consciousness; sometimes is not co-existent with consciousness. Three aggregates accompany consciousness. The aggregate of consciousness does not accompany consciousness. The aggregate of material quality sometimes accompanies con- sciousness; sometimes does not accompany consciousness. Three aggregates are conjoined with, generated by consciousness. Two aggregates are not conjoined with, not generated by consciousness. Three aggregates are conjoined with, generated by, co-existent with consciousness. Two aggregates are not conjoined with, not gener- ated by, not co-existent with consciousness. Three aggregates are conjoined with, generated by, accompany consciousness. Two aggregates are not conjoined with, not generated by, do not accompany consciousness. (10)


The aggregate of consciousness is internal. Three aggregates are external. The aggregate of material quality sometimes is internal; sometimes is external. Four aggregates are not derived. The aggre- gate of material quality sometimes is derived; sometimes is not derived. (The five aggregates) sometimes are gasped (by craving and false view); sometimes are not grasped. Four aggregates are not attachments. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is attachment; sometimes is not attachment. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the attachments. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the attachments ; sometimes are not objects of the attachments. The aggregate of material quality is not associ- ated with the attachments. Four aggregates sometimes are associ- ated with the attachments; sometimes are not associated with the attachments. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, attachment also the object of the attachments; (it) is the object of the attachments but is not attachment. Three aggregates should not be said to be, attachments also objects of the attachments; (they) sometimes are objects of the attachments but are not attach- ments; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the attach- ments but are not attachments. The aggregate of mental concomi- tants sometimes is attachment also the object of the attachments; sometimes is the object of the attachments but is not attachment; sometimes should not be said to be, attachment also the object of the attachments or the object of the attachments but is not attachment. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, attach- ment also associated with the attachments or [68] associated with the attachments but is not attachment. Three aggregates should not be said to be, attachments also associated with the attachments; (they) sometimes are associated with the attachments but are not attachments ; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the attachments but are not attachments. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is attachment also associated with the attachments; sometimes is associated with the attachments but is not attachment; sometimes should not be said to be, attachment also associated with the attachments or associated with the attach- ments but is not attachment. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the attachments, is the object of the attachments. Four aggregates sometimes are not associated with the attachments, are objects of the attachments; sometimes are not associated with the attachments, are not objects of the attachments; sometimes


should not be said to be, not associated with the attachments, are objects of the attachments or not associated with the attachments, are not objects of the attachments. (11)

Four aggregates are not corruptions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is corruption; sometimes is not corrup- tion. The aggregate of material quality is the object of the corrup- tions. Four aggregates sometimes are objects of the corruptions; sometimes are not objects of the corruptions. The aggregate of material quality is not corrupt. Four aggregates sometimes are corrupt; sometimes are not corrupt. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the corruptions. Four aggregates sometimes are associated with the corruptions ; sometimes are not associated with the corruptions. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, corruption also the object of the corrup- tions; (it) is the object of the corruptions but is not corruption. Three aggregates should not be said to be, corruptions also objects of the corruptions; (they) sometimes are objects of the corruptions but are not corruptions ; sometimes should not be said to be, objects of the corruptions but are not corruptions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is corruption also the object of the corruptions ; sometimes is the object of the corruptions but is not corruption ; sometimes should not be said to be, corruption also the object of the corruptions or the object of the corruptions but is not corruption. The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, corruption also corrupt or corrupt but is not corruption. Three aggregates should not be said to be, corruptions also corrupt ; (they) sometimes are corrupt but are not corruptions ; sometimes should not be said to be, corrupt but are not corruptions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is corruption also corrupt; some- times is corrupt but is not corruption ; sometimes should not be said to be, corruption also corrupt or corrupt but is not corruption.

The aggregate of material quality should not be said to be, corruption also associated with the corruptions or associated with the corruptions but is not corruption. Three aggregates should not be said to be, corruptions also associated with the corruptions; (they) sometimes are associated with the corruptions but are not corruptions ; sometimes should not be said to be, associated with the corruptions but are not corruptions. The aggregate of mental concomitants sometimes is corruption also associated with the corruptions ; sometimes is associated with the corruptions but is not


corruption; sometimes should not be said to be, corruption also associated with the corruptions or associated with the corruptions but is not corruption. The aggregate of material quality is not associated with the corruptions, is the object of the corruptions. Four aggregates sometimes [69] are not associated with the corrup- tions, are objects of the corruptions; sometimes are not associated with the corruptions, are not objects of the corruptions; sometimes should not be said to be, not associated with the corruptions, are objects of the corruptions or not associated with the corruptions, are not objects of the corruptions. (12)

The aggregate of material quality is not to be abandoned by the first path. Four aggregates sometimes are to be abandoned by the first path ; sometimes are not to be abandoned by the first path. The aggregate of material quality is not to be abandoned by the subse- quent paths. Four aggregates sometimes are to be abandoned by the subsequent paths; sometimes are not to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. The aggregate of material quality has no root to be abandoned by the first path. Four aggregates sometimes have roots to be abandoned by the first path ; sometimes have no roots to be abandoned by the first path. The aggregate of material quality has no root to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. Four aggregates sometimes have roots to be abandoned by the subsequent paths ; sometimes have no roots to be abandoned by the subsequent paths. The aggregate of material quality is without initial applica- tion. Four aggregates sometimes are accompanied by initial application; sometimes are without initial application. The aggregate of material quality is without sustained application. Four aggregates sometimes are accompanied by sustained application; sometimes are without sustained application. The aggregate of material quality is without zest. Four aggregates sometimes are with zest; sometimes are without zest. The aggregate of material quality is not accompanied by zest. Four aggregates sometimes are accom- panied by zest; sometimes are not accompanied by zest. Two aggregates are not accompanied by pleasure. Three aggregates sqmetimes are accompanied by pleasure; sometimes are not accompanied by pleasure. Two aggregates are not accompanied by indifference. Three aggregates sometimes are accompanied by indifference; sometimes are not accompanied by indifference.

The aggregate of material quality is characteristic of the plane of desire. Four aggregates sometimes are characteristic of the plane of


desire; sometimes are not characteristic of the plane of desire. The aggregate of material quality is not characteristic of the plane of form. Four aggregates sometimes are characteristic of the plane of form; sometimes are not characteristic of the plane of form. The aggregate of material quality is not characteristic of the formless plane. Four aggregates sometimes are characteristic of the formless plane; sometimes are not characteristic of the formless plane. The aggregate of material quality is included (i.e. is mundane). Four aggregates sometimes are included (i.e. are mundane); sometimes are not included (i.e. are supramundane). The aggregate of material quality does not tend to release. Four aggregates sometimes tend to release; sometimes do not tend to release. The aggregate of material quality is of no fixed (resultant time). Four aggregates sometimes are of fixed (resultant time) ; sometimes are of no fixed (resultant time). The aggregate of material quality is surpassable. Four aggregates sometimes are surpassable; sometimes are not surpassable. The aggregate of material quality is without cause of bewailing. Four aggregates sometimes are with cause of bewailing; sometimes are without cause of bewailing. (13)


