Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> THE TREATMENT OF TEXT
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version
Translated by : U Narada
1. M e t h o d s
I. Classification and Unclassification
II. Classified and Unclassified
III. Unclassified and Classified
IV. Classified and Classified
V. Unclassified and Unclassified
VI. Associaion and Dissociation
VII. Associated and Dissociated
VIII. Dissociated and Associated
IX . Associated and Associated
X . Dissociated and Dissociated
XI. Associated with , and Dissociated from , th e Classified
XII. Classified and Unclassified concerning the Associated
XIII. Associated with , and Dissociated from , the Unclassified
XIV . Classified and Unclassified concerning the Dissociated
2 . I n t e r n a l St a t e s o f E n q u i r y
5 Aggregates = 5
12 Bases = 12
18 Elements = 18
4 Truths = 4
22 Faculties = 22
Dependent Origination = 28
4 Applications of Mindful ness = 1
4 Great Efforts = 1
4 Roads to Psychic Power = 1
4 Trances (Jhanas) = 1
4 Illimitable States = 1
5 Faculties = 1
5 Strengths = 1
7 Factors of Enlightenment = 1
8 The Noble Eightfold Path = 1
= 7
Total = 105
3. Principles of the Methods
1. Classification under the three categories of aggregates, bases and
2. Undassification under the three categories of aggregates, bases
and elements.
3. Association with the four mental aggregates.
4. Dissociation from the four mental aggregates.
4. Characteristics of the Methods
1. The common characteristic of conforming with the Classification
and Association principles.
2. The common characteristic of not conforming with the Classification
and Association principles.
5. External States of Enquiry
All the 22 Triplets and 100 Couplets of the Dhammasangani table of contents.