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Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Anguttara Nikaya >> Samyutta Nikaya Changes

Changes to Bhikku B.Bodhi’s Version & Their Explanations.

Connected Discourses (Samyutta Nikaya)

Note : 1. 'c' of Pali word is pronounced as 'ch' as in 'China'
          2. sans. means Sanskrit language word

Changes to Bhikku B.Bodhi’s Version & Their Explanations[]

Acknowledgement : Many Thanks to Bhikku B.Bodhi that a complete translation of Samyutta Nikaya is now available to humankind which was not available in modern English based on which this effort has been made.

Need for Changes : The purpose of Buddha’s teachings is cleansing defilements of flesh then spiritual awakening & so breaking the cycle of rebirths i.e liberation(nirvana/moksh). The languages which have developed in west hardly contain words which can fulfill this goal which is literally out of the world i.e. of transcendental nature, whereas local words in India & in eastern countries are rich in these. Hence, when translation of Pali text is done in western languages, the resultant does not fulfil the purpose. Therefore, some words, as given below are used/replaced and sometimes original Pali words are supplied to make things easier to understand & make it useful for all, including for monks , meditators & practitioners of the path of Buddha:

The serial numbers of suttas are changed according to the Pali version pdf provided on this website (from to maintain parity.

Table of Changes:

Old Change Description
acquisitions acquisitions(upadhi) of wealth & also of characteristics
aeon aeon(kappa\kalpa) Lifecycle of universe(expansion & contraction)
aggregate aggregate(khandha sans. skandha) 5 nos, Form(rupa),sensations(vedana),perception(sanna\sangya),volitional conditioning(sanskar) & consciousness(vinnana\vigyan)
appeasement quenching(upasaman) used for senses
asuras asuras(demons) opposed to angels\gods & at war always
attention mindful(mansikara) similar;used in relation to mind & mindfulness
austerity austerity(tapa) Tapa;for non-enjoyment & life of meditation
base of neither-perception-nor-nonperception faculty of neither-perception-nor-nonperception 8th state of higher samadhi(trance) from 9
base of nothingness faculty of nothingness 7th state of higher samadhi(trance) from 9
base of the infinity of consciousness faculty of the infinity of consciousness 6th state of higher samadhi(trance) from 9
base of the infinity
of space
faculty of the infinity of space 5th state of higher samadhi(trance) from 9
beauty holy(subh sans. shubh) subh is used for auspicious or holy instead
Behold Look at simplification
bhikkhu bhikkhu(monk) Sanskrit word is Bhikshu;most revered among humans, worthy of giving donations
bhikkhuni bhikkhuni(nun) Sanskrit word is Bhikshuni;most revered among humans, worthy of giving donations
birth rebirth rebirth is most appropriate as the renewed state after death
Blessed One Lord(Buddha) Only appropriate word
blind men's grove Andhavana
bourn rebirth
brahma brahma(arch-angel) higher than gods/angels
careful thinking meditative(yoniso) mindful(manasikara) mindfulness in meditation
careless thinking non-meditatively(ayoniso) mindful(manasikara) worldly thinking of things,people etc.
carnal(for amis) sinful(amis)
cessation cessation(nirodha) The higher state of meditation when sense reports start getting blocked
clear comprehension complete comprehension (sampajanna) Both outer(body) & inner(brain&spine) awareness in samadhi(trance)
clearly comprehending completely comprehending (sampajano) Same as above
clinging clinging(upadana sans. asakti) to worldly pleasures\emotions
complete cool complete salvation(parinibbana) The final state in 9th samadhi
concentrated in-samadhi(trance)state related to meditation
concentration samadhi(trance)state related to meditation
condition,conditioning cause(paccaya) for paccaya
conditioned conditioned(sankhata) or caused(paccaya) used as per pali word; development of character while interacting with world
conditions reasons or causes for paccaya
consciousness consciousness (vinnana sans. vigyan) Related to awareness
Consummate Perfect one(kevali) sanskrit word is kaivalya state
contact contact (phassa/sparsh) when sense object is in contact with sense organ
contemplating watching - in - meditation (anupassi) on Observing with equanimity in meditation
contemplating danger seeing danger(adinav)
contemplating gratification seeing enjoyment (assado sans. aswad) worldly enjoyment leading to binding
contemplation meditation meditation practice of stopping thinking but observing phenomenon within
corruption corruption(upkilesa)
craving craving(tanha sans. trishna)
deathless deathless-state (nirvana) Also used for Amata(amrit)
decline loss(for parihani, hani) corrected for pali word
delight delight (nandi\anand) in worldly enjoyment
deliverance deliverance (vimokkkha\vimoksha)
delusion delusion (moha) in worldly phenomenon as observing\believing something else other than truth
desire desire (chand) for worldly enjoyments
destruction destruction (khaya\kshaya) also used for decline
deva,devata deva,devata (god,angel) of higher realms
Dhamma Dhamma(path) The word can have different meaning also as truth,character,property etc
diligence (for appamada) alertfulness (appamada) being alert
direct knowledge divine-knowledge (abhinna) Also for spiritual power, explained in SN2.152; See here : Abhinna
discrimination of states discrimination of states (dhammavicaya) discerning the phenomena
element element(dhatu) i.e. earth(solid), liquid, gaseous, heat & self-aware-mind
energy energetic strength (viriya) related to resolute, brave
equanimity equanimity (Upekkha sans. Upeksha) non-indulgence in observed things & phenomena
exhort, exhortation instruct, instruction Simplification of word
existence existence (bhavo); factor of existence (bhavo) the ever changing world
extolled praised Simplification of word
fare, faring stay, dwell; staying, dwelling
feeling sensation(vedana) usage corrected
feeling(for vedyitam) knowing(vedyitam) correction
fool childish (unwise) for 'Bala' meaning child; milder word suggested to be less offensive
fortitude strength simplification
Fortunate One Fortunate One(Sugato) for Buddha
gift donation
give donate(dana)
going forth going-forth(initiation,pabajja) Sanskrit word pravarjya
gone forth gone forth (initiated, pabajjit) Sanskrit word pravarjyit
gratification worldly enjoyment(assado sans. aswad) rooted in the word 'relish'
great hero Mahavira for Buddha
happiness happiness (sukh) of body
hatred hatred (dosa\dvesh) for dislike, disliking
hero brave one (vir); greatly brave one (mahavir)
holy life holy celibate life (brahmacariya) & also including meditation
homeless hermit ascetic life
identity body identity (sakkaya) Sanskrit Sat-kaya, identification of oneself with physical body
identity view body identity view (sakkaya-ditthi) same as above but with strong belief in it, i.e. materialism, opposite to spiritualism
ignorance ignorance (avijja sans. avidya) Not knowing
impermanence impermanence (anicca sans. anitya) The central idea of materialism in Buddhism, that all physical & sense observable phenomena are impermanent thus surmountable
impingement impingement (patigha)
Insight Insight (Vipassana meditation) Vipassana word used, meaning the main technique of meditation using observation with equanimity in order to reveal true nature
kamma kamma (karma) The idea that action leads to consequences, it even spans many rebirths\lives
liberation liberation (vimukti sans. vimukti) Similar to salvation
light glow(abha) or light(alok)
lovingkindness lovingkindness (metta\maitri) compassion, goodwill
lust lust(raag) of worldly enjoyments
mara Mara(Satan) The lord of death,disease & also of wealth & worldly enjoyments
merit divine merit(punya) The divine wealth that goes even after death, it accumulation leads to higher states i.e. heaven etc.
mindful meditative (satima) word sati is related to meditation , it originates from sanskrit word smriti
mindfully meditating (sato) or meditative (sato) another variant of word sati
Mindfulness meditation (sati) word sati means meditation in buddhism, originating from sanskrit word smriti
name-and-form mind and bodyform (namarupa) used for both as they are intertwined
negligence slothfulness for pamada, lazy, not alert
non returner non-rebirther (anagami) One who achieved a state of high samadhi which entitles one not to return to earth realm rather gets born in arch-angel then nirvana
oblation donation(of food)
once returner once rebirther (sakdagami) One who achieved a state of high samadhi which entitles one to return to earth realm once only then gets born in arch-angel then nirvana
ordination ordination (upsampada) After initiation
perception perception (sanna sans. sangya) Understanding of phenomena
phenomena phenomena (dhamma) Use of word dhamma for understanding inner phenomena i.e. good act leads to peace
pleasure and joy happiness (sukh) and joy(somanassa) Sukh is bodily happiness & somanassa is mental peace & calmness
proliferation 6 sensory deception (papanca sans. prapanch/maya)
pure abodes pure abodes (suddhavasa) A type of upper heaven
rapture bliss (piti/preeti) inner blissfulness observed in meditation
release release (mokkha/moksha) Another usage of salvation
renewed existence renewed existence (rebirth) Rebirth is one of the central ideas of Buddhism that all creatures take rebirth(as per their actions\karma)
return rebirth same as previous
Revulsion Revulsion (Nibbida) of worldly phenomena in order to move to inner spiritual
rise and fall rise and fall (udaya-bbya) idea that all material phenomenon change;opposite to aniccha\anitya
sacrifice fire ceremony (yagna) The old practice of fire worship
sakka Sakka (Indra) The king of angels\gods in heaven of 330 million gods\angels
Sangha Sangha (fraternity) of monks
sees sees (in meditation, passato)
self-absorption self absorption (samadhi) another word for trance state
sensual sensual (kaam/sexual)
serenity serenity (Samatha/equanimity) similar to equanimity
sign causative (nimitta) corrected usage; used for phenomena that cause binding(with worldly)
signless noncausative (animitta) opposite to previous
Sire Lord
slain killed
spiritual power spiritual power (iddhi\riddhi) The special spiritual abilities
spiritual(for niramis) sinless(niramis)
steed horse simplification
taint defilement simplification of word
Teacher Teacher(Sattha) Another word used for Buddha
ten world systems ten world systems (dasa loka dhatu) or ten dimensions of existence which Buddha could observe
thing, things dhamma (path, attribute, law), dhammas Another usage of word dhamma; now corrected
Thus have I heard Thus have I heard (from Buddha, says Ananda) Phrase 'Eva mei sutam' which Ananda used before every lecture heard from Buddha
tie ties chains, bondage bonds
tranquillity tranquility (passaddhi\ prashrabdhi) The stillness of body, emotions & mind before arise of samadhi(trance) state
unconcentrated not in samadhi (trance) state
unconditioned unconditioned (asankhata) Actions that do not lead to binding\change in character
underlying tendency underlying tendency (Anuseti sans. anushay) related to hidden intentions
unification of mind singularity of mind(ekodibhavam) unwavering mind
unwholesome harmful (akusala sans. akushal)
vanishing decline (for vaya, khaya)
virtue virtue(sheel) morality such as non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, non-intoxication & non-sex
volition cognitive awareness (cetana) for sancetana/cetana
volitional formations sankhara (compulsive behavior conditioning) Phenomena of change in character\behavior due to karma(actions)
wander mindfully remain meditative(sati)
wanderer ascetic correction of usage
wholesome beneficial (kusala sans. kushal) Usage corrected
wisdom illuminated insight (panna) That which arises in meditation especially the perceived glow of self-illumination within brain & spine, appearance of which leads to subduing of all wrong traits(sankharas sans. sanskar)

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