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Patidesaniya Dhamma(Confession)[]


Pali Versions : Pali-English Version & Pali-Devanagri Version

Patidesaniya Summary[]

Noble ladies, now the eight offences that should be confessed will be recited.

Precept of training for asking ghee(clarified butter)

1. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for ghee and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking oil

2. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for oil and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking honey

3. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for honey and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking molasses

4. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for molasses and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking fish

5. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for fish and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking meat

  1. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for meat and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it

Precept of training for asking milk

7. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for milk and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable and confess it.'

Precept of training for asking curd

8. A bhikkhuni not sick asking for curd and partaking it, should confess it: `Noble ladies, I have done an offence that is not suitable, and confess it.'

Noble ladies, the eight offences that have to be confessed, are recited, now I ask how is your purity? For the second and for the third time I ask how is your purity? The noble ladies are pure, therefore they are silent, and I record it as such.

The end of the Patidesaniya Dhamma (offences that have to be confessed)

Patidesaniya Scanned Book[]


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