Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Majjhima Nikaya
Pali Versions : Pali-English and Pali-Devanagri versions are provided below at the beginning of each vagga(section sans. varg).
The Majjhima Nikaya ("Collection of Middle-length Discourses") is the second of the five nikayas (collections) in the Sutta Pitaka. This nikaya consists of 152 discourses by the Buddha and his chief disciples, which together constitute a comprehensive body of teaching concerning all aspects of the Buddha's teachings.
Majjhima Nikaya consists of 152 discourses, grouped into 15 vaggas (groups) :
Pali version of Mulapariyaya-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Mulapariyaya Sutta (1) How states of consciousness originate.
- Sabbasava Sutta (2) On the elimination of the cankers.
- Dhammadayada Sutta (3) Exhorting the Bhikkhus to realize the importance of the Dhamma and the non-importance of their physical wants.
- Bhayabherava Sutta (4) On braving the fears and terrors of the forest. Also the Buddha's account of his Enlightenment.
- Anangana Sutta (5) A dialogue between Sariputta and Moggallana on the attainment of freedom from depravity.
- Akankheyya Sutta (6) On those things for which a bhikkhu may wish.
- Vatthupama Sutta (7) The parable of the soiled cloth and the defiled mind.
- Sallekha Sutta (8) On the elimination of self and false views.
- Sammaditthi Sutta (9) A discourse by Sariputta on right views.
- Satipatthana Sutta (10) The same as Digha Number 22, but without the explanation of the 4 Truths.
Pali version of Sihanada-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Culasihanada Sutta (11).
- Mahasihanada Sutta (12) The short and the long "challenge" suttas. On the foolishness of ascetical practices.
- Mahadukkhakkhandha Sutta (13).
- Culadukkhakkhandha Sutta (14) The long and the short stories of suffering.
- Anumana Sutta (15) By Moggallana, on the value of introspection. (There is no reference to the Buddha throughout).
- Cetokhila Sutta (16) On the five mental bondages.
- Vanapattha Sutta (17) On the advantages and disadvantages of the forest life.
- Madhupindika Sutta (18) The Buddha gives a brief outline of his Teaching, which Kacchana elaborates.
- Dvedhavitakka Sutta (19) The Parable of the lure of sensuality. Repetition of the Enlightenment as in (4).
- Vitakkasanthana Sutta (20) Method of meditation to dispel undesirable thoughts.
Pali version of Tatiya-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Kakacupama Sutta (21) The simile of the saw. On the control of the feelings and the mind under the most severe provocation.
- Alagaddupama Sutta (22) Simile of the water-snake. Holding wrong views of the Dhamma is like seizing a snake by the tail.
- Vammika Sutta (23) The simile of the smouldering ant-hill as the human body.
- Rathavinita Sutta (24) Punna explains the purpose of the holy life to Sariputta.
- Nivapa Sutta (25) Parable of Mara as a sower or hunter laying baits for the deer.
- Ariyapariyesana Sutta (26) The Noble Quest. The Buddha's account of his renunciation, search, and his attainment of Enlightenment.
- Culahatthipadopama Sutta (27) The short "Elephant's trail" simile.
- Mahahatthipadopama Sutta (28) The long "Elephant's trail" simile. Mentions earth, liquid, fire, wind, space elements.
- Mahasaropama Sutta (29) On the danger of gain, honour and fame. Said to have been delivered when Devadatta left the Order.
- Culasaropama Sutta (30) Development of the preceding sutta. On attaining the essence of the Dhamma.
Pali version of Mahayamaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Culagosinga Sutta (31) A conversation of the Buddha with three bhikkhus, who relate their attainments to him.
- Mahagosinga Sutta (32) A conversation between six bhikkhus who discuss what makes the forest beautiful.
- Mahagopalaka Sutta (33) On the eleven bad and good qualities of a herdsman.
- Culagopalaka Sutta (34) Simile of the foolish and wise herdsman crossing the river.
- Cula Saccaka Sutta (35) A discussion between the Buddha and Saccaka the Jain, on the nature of the five khandas.
- Maha Saccaka Sutta (36) The account of the Buddha's asceticism and Enlightenment, with instructions on right meditation.
- Culatanhasankhaya Sutta (37) Sakka asks the Buddha about freedom from craving and satisfactorily repeats his reply to Moggallana.
- Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta (38) Refutation of the heresy of a bhikkhu who thinks that it is consciousness that transmigrates.
- Maha Assapura Sutta (39) See (40) below.
- Cula Assapura Sutta (40) The great and the small discourses given at Assapura, on the duties of the ascetic.
Pali version of Culayamaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Saleyyaka Sutta (41) A discourse to the brahmins of Sala, on the reasons why some beings go to heaven and some to hell.
- Veranjaka Sutta (42) The same discourse repeated to the householders of Veranja.
- Mahavedalla Sutta (43) A psychological discourse by Sariputta to Mahakotthita.
- Culavedalla Sutta (44) A psychological discourse by the bhikkhuni Dhammadinna to the lay-devotee Visakha.
- Culadhammasamadana Sutta (45) See (46) below.
- Mahadhammasamadana Sutta (46) The short and the long discourses on the ripening of pleasure and pain in the future.
- Vimamsaka Sutta (47) On the right methods of investigation.
- Kosambiya Sutta (48) A discourse to the bhikkhus of Kosambi on the evil of quarrelling.
- Brahmanimantanika Sutta (49) The Buddha converts Baka in Brahmaloka, from the heresy of permanency.
- Maratajjaniya Sutta (50) Moggallana admonishes Mara.
Pali version of Gahapati-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Kandaraka Sutta (51) Discourse on the four kinds of personalities.
- Atthakanagara Sutta (52) A discourse by Ananda on the ways of attainment of Nibbana.
- Sekha Sutta (53) The Buddha opens a now meeting hall at Kapilavatthu, and Ananda discourses on the training of the disciple.
- Potaliya Sutta (54) The Buddha explains to Potaliya the real significance of the abandonment of worldliness.
- Jivaka Sutta (55) The Buddha explains the ethics of meat-eating.
- Upali Sutta (56) The conversion of Upali, the Jain.
- Kukkuravatika Sutta (57) A dialogue on kamma(karma/deeds) between the Buddha and two ascetics.
- Abhayarajakumara Sutta (58) The Jain Nataputta sends Prince Abhaya to question the Buddha on the condemnation of Devadatta.
- Bahuvedaniya Sutta (59) On the classification of feelings.
- Apannaka Sutta (60) On the "Certain Doctrine", against various heresies.
Pali version of Bhikkhu-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Ambalatthika-Rahulovada Sutta (61) The discourse on falsehood, given by the Buddha to Rahula.
- Maha-Rahulovada Sutta (62) Advice to Rahula on contemplation, with breathing exercises.
- Cula-Malunkya Sutta (63) On the undetermined questions (Cp. also (72).)
- Maha-Malunkya Sutta (64) On the five lower fetters.
- Bhaddali Sutta (65) The confession of Bhaddali, and the Buddha's counsel.
- Latukikopama Sutta (66) Advice on renunciation of the world.
- Catuma Sutta (67) Advice to quarrelsome bhikkhus at Catuma.
- Nalakapana Sutta (68) The Buddha questions Anuruddha concerning certain points of the Dhamma.
- Gulissani Sutta (69) Rules for those who, like Gulissani, live in the forest.
- Kitagiri Sutta (70) The conduct to be followed by various classes of bhikkhus.
Pali version of Paribbajaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Tevijja-Vacchagotta Sutta (71) The Buddha visits the ascetic Vacchagotta and claims that he is called tevijja (possessing the three-fold knowledge) bacause he has recollection of his previous lives, supernormal vision, and knowledge of the way to the elimination of the asavas.
- Aggi-Vacchagotta Sutta (72) The danger of theorising about the world, etc.
- Maha Vacchagotta Sutta (73) Further explanation to Vacchagotta on the conduct of lay disciples and bhikkhus.
- Dighanakha Sutta (74) The Buddha refutes the ascetic Dighanakha. Sariputta attains arahatship.
- Magandiya Sutta (75) The Buddha tells of his renunciation of the life of the senses, and dilates on the abandonment of sensual desires.
- Sandaka Sutta (76) Ananda refutes the heresies of the ascetic Sandaka.
- Mahasakuludayi Sutta (77) On the five reasons why the Buddha is honoured.
- Samanamandika Sutta (78) On the qualities of perfect virtue.
- Culasakuludayi Sutta (79) The Jain leader Nataputta, and the way to true happiness.
- Vekhanassa Sutta (80) A repetition of part of the preceding sutta, with additional matter on the five senses.
Pali version of Raja-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Ghatikara Sutta (81) The Buddha tells Ananda of his previous existence as Jotipala.
- Ratthapala Sutta (82) The story of Ratthapala, whose parents endeavoured in vain to dissuade him from entering the Sangha.
- Makhadeva Sutta (83) The story of the Buddha's previous life as King Makhadeva.
- Madhura Sutta (84) A discourse given after the Buddha's decease by Kaccana to King Avantiputta on the real meaning of caste.
- Bodhirajakumara Sutta (85) The Buddha tells the story of his renunciation and Enlightenment as in (26) and (36).
- Angulimala Sutta (86) Story of the conversion of Angulimala, the robber chief.
- Piyajatika Sutta (87) The Buddha's counsel to a man who had lost a son, and the dispute between King Pasenadi and his wife thereon.
- Bahitika Sutta (88) Ananda answers a question on conduct put by Pasenadi, who presents him with a piece of foreign cloth.
- Dhammacetiya Sutta (89) Pasenadi visits the Buddha, and extols the holy life.
- Kannakatthalaka Sutta (90) A conversation between the Buddha and Pasenadi, on the devas, on caste, and on Brahma.
Pali version of Brahmana-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Brahmayu Sutta (91) On the thirty-two marks of a Great Man, and the conversion of the Brahmin Brahmayu.
- Sela Sutta (92) The Brahmin Sela sees the thirty-two marks of a Buddha and is converted. (The same story is related in Sutta Nipata III, 7).
- Assalayana Sutta (93) The Brahmin Assalayana discusses caste with the Buddha. An Important presentation of the Buddha's teaching on caste.
- Ghotamukha Sutta (94) Ghotamukha builds an assembly hall for the Sangha. Udena's discourse at its opening.
- Canki Sutta (95) Discourse on Brahmanical doctrines.
- Esukari Sutta (96) Discourse on caste and its functions.
- Dhananjani Sutta (97) Sariputta tells the Brahmin Dhananjani that family duties are no excuse for wrong-doing.
- Vasettha Sutta (98) Discourse, mostly in verse, on the nature of the true brahmin. (This recurs in Sutta Nipata III, 9).
- Subha Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya) (99) On whether a man should remain a householder or leave the world.
- Sangarava Sutta (100) The Brahmin woman who accepted the Dhamma, and a discourse on the holy life. Also repetition of parts of (26) and (36).
Pali version of Devadaha-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Devadaha Sutta (101) The Buddha discourses on the attainment of the goal by the living of the life.
- Pancattaya Sutta (102) On five theories of the soul, and that the way of release (Nibbana) does not depend on any of them.
- Kinti Sutta (103) Rules for bhikkhus who dispute about the Dhamma, and who commit transgressions.
- Samagama Sutta (104) After the death of Nataputta -- also in Digha Nikaya (29) -- the Buddha's discourse on dispute and harmony.
- Sunakkhatta Sutta (105) The simile of extracting the arrow of craving.
- Ananjasappaya Sutta (106) Meditations on impassibility and the attainments, and on true release.
- Ganaka-Moggallana Sutta (107) Instruction to Ganaka-Moggallana on the training of disciples.
- Gopaka-Moggallana Sutta (108) After the decease of the Buddha, Ananda explains to Vassakara that the Dhamma is now the only Guide.
- Maha Punnama Sutta (109) The Buddha answers the questions a bhikkhu concerning the khandhas.
- Cula Punnama Sutta (110) A discourse on the bad and the good man.
Pali version of Anupada-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Anupada Sutta (111) The Buddha praises Sariputta and his analysis of mind.
- Chabbisodhana Sutta (112) On the questions to be put to the bhikkhu who declares he has attained arahantship.
- Sappurisa Sutta (113) On the good and bad qualities of a bhikkhu.
- Sevitabbasevitabba Sutta (114) Sariputta expounds the right way to live the holy life.
- Bahudhatuka Sutta (115) Lists of elements and principles arranged as dialogue between the Buddha and Ananda.
- Isigili Sutta (116) The Buddha on Pacceka-Buddhas.
- Mahacattarisaka Sutta (117) Exposition of the Noble Eightfold Path.
- Anapanasati Sutta (118) On breathing exercises.
- Kayagatasati Sutta (119) Meditation on the body.
- Sankharuppatti Sutta (120) On the development of the five sankharas as enabling a bhikkhu to determine the conditions of his rebirth.
Pali version of Sunnata-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Culasunnata Sutta (121) Meditation on emptiness.
- Mahasunnata Sutta (122) Instruction to Ananda on the practice of meditation on emptiness.
- Acchariyabbhutadhamma Sutta (123) On the marvellous life of a bodhisatta. A repetition of part of Digha Nikaya (14) but applied to the Buddha himself.
- Bakkula Sutta (124) Bakkula converts his friend Acela-Kassapa.
- Dantabhumi Sutta (125) By the simile of elephant training, the Buddha shows how one should instruct another in the Dhamma.
- Bhumija Sutta (126) Bhumija answers the questions of Prince Jayasena.
- Anuruddha Sutta (127) Anuruddha explains emancipation of mind to the householder Pancakanga.
- Upakkilesa Sutta (128) The Buddha appeases the quarrels of the bhikkhus of Kosambi, and discourses on Right Meditation.
- Balapandita Sutta (129) On rewards and punishments after death.
- Devaduta Sutta (130) On the fate of those who neglect the messengers of death.
Pali version of Vibhanga-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Bhaddekaratta Sutta (131) A poem of four verses, with commentary on striving.
- Anandabhaddekaratta Sutta (132) Ananda's exposition of the same poem.
- Mahakaccanabhaddekaratta Sutta (133) Mahakaccana expounds the same poem.
- Lomasakangiyabhaddekaratta Sutta (134) The Buddha expounds the same poem to Lomasakangiya.
- Culakammavibhanga Sutta (135) The Buddha explains the various physical and mental qualities as due to kamma(karma/deeds).
- Mahakammavibhanga Sutta (136) The Buddha refutes the arguments of an ascetic who denies the operation of Kamma(karma/deeds).
- Salayatanavibhanga Sutta (137) The analysis of the six senses.
- Uddesavibhanga Sutta (138) Mahakaccana dilates on an aspect of consciousness.
- Aranavibhanga Sutta (139) The middle path between extremes.
- Dhatuvibhanga Sutta (140) The story of Pukkusati, who recognises the Master by his Teaching. The analysis of the elements.
- Saccavibhanga Sutta (141) Statement of the Four Noble Truths. A commentary thereon by Sariputta.
- Dakkhinavibhanga Sutta (142) On gifts and givers.
Pali version of Salayatana-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari
- Anathapindikovada Sutta (143) the death of Anathapindika, his rebirth in Tusita heaven, and his appearance to the Buddha.
- Channovada Sutta (144) Story of the Thera Channa, who when sick was instructed by Sariputta, and who finally committed suicide.
- Punnovada Sutta (145) The Buddha's instruction to Punna on bearing pleasure and pain.
- Nandakovada Sutta (146) Nandaka catechises Mahapajapati and 500 bhikkhunis on impermanence.
- Cula Rahulovada Sutta (147) The Buddha takes Rahula to the forest and questions him on impermanence. The devas come to listen to the discourse.
- Chachakka Sutta (148) On the six sixes (of the senses).
- Mahasalayatanika Sutta (149) On right knowledge of the senses.
- Nagaravindeyya Sutta (150) The Buddha's instruction on the kinds of ascetics and brahmins who are to be honoured.
- Pindapataparisuddhi Sutta (151) Instruction to Sariputta on the training of the disciple.
- Indriyabhavana Sutta (152) The Buddha rejects the methods of the Brahmin Parasariya for subduing the seuses, and expounds his own method.
Download/View English Translation[]
1. Modern English translation by Bhikku Nanamoli & Bhikku Bodhi. Book is split into 5 parts due to upload limit of 10mb.
File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 1.pdf
File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 2.pdf
File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 3.pdf
File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 4.pdf
File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 5.pdf
2. Old translation from Pali Text Society.
Note : Some files are divided into parts a,b,c etc.
File:MN1.pts a.pdf ; File:MN1.pts b.pdf ; File:MN1.pts c.pdf
File:MN2.pts a.pdf ; File:MN2.pts b.pdf ; File:MN2.pts c.pdf
File:MN3.pts a.pdf ; File:MN3.pts b.pdf ; File:MN3.pts c.pdf
Original Pali Version[]
(From www.tipitaka.org)
Click the link below to access the original Majjhima Nikaya files in Pali Language, the language spoken by Buddha.