Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka
Structure of the Tipitaka
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The Tipitaka
Vinaya Pitaka
Sutta Pitaka
Digha Nikaya
Majjhima Nikaya
Samyutta Nikaya
Anguttara Nikaya
Khuddaka Nikaya
Abhidhamma Pitaka

Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Majjhima Nikaya

Pali Versions : Pali-English and Pali-Devanagri versions are provided below at the beginning of each vagga(section sans. varg).

The Majjhima Nikaya ("Collection of Middle-length Discourses") is the second of the five nikayas (collections) in the Sutta Pitaka. This nikaya consists of 152 discourses by the Buddha and his chief disciples, which together constitute a comprehensive body of teaching concerning all aspects of the Buddha's teachings.


Majjhima Nikaya consists of 152 discourses, grouped into 15 vaggas (groups) :


Pali version of Mulapariyaya-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Mulapariyaya Sutta (1) How states of consciousness originate.
  2. Sabbasava Sutta (2) On the elimination of the cankers.
  3. Dhammadayada Sutta (3) Exhorting the Bhikkhus to realize the importance of the Dhamma and the non-importance of their physical wants.
  4. Bhayabherava Sutta (4) On braving the fears and terrors of the forest. Also the Buddha's account of his Enlightenment.
  5. Anangana Sutta (5) A dialogue between Sariputta and Moggallana on the attainment of freedom from depravity.
  6. Akankheyya Sutta (6) On those things for which a bhikkhu may wish.
  7. Vatthupama Sutta (7) The parable of the soiled cloth and the defiled mind.
  8. Sallekha Sutta (8) On the elimination of self and false views.
  9. Sammaditthi Sutta (9) A discourse by Sariputta on right views.
  10. Satipatthana Sutta (10) The same as Digha Number 22, but without the explanation of the 4 Truths.


Pali version of Sihanada-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Culasihanada Sutta (11).
  2. Mahasihanada Sutta (12) The short and the long "challenge" suttas. On the foolishness of ascetical practices.
  3. Mahadukkhakkhandha Sutta (13).
  4. Culadukkhakkhandha Sutta (14) The long and the short stories of suffering.
  5. Anumana Sutta (15) By Moggallana, on the value of introspection. (There is no reference to the Buddha throughout).
  6. Cetokhila Sutta (16) On the five mental bondages.
  7. Vanapattha Sutta (17) On the advantages and disadvantages of the forest life.
  8. Madhupindika Sutta (18) The Buddha gives a brief outline of his Teaching, which Kacchana elaborates.
  9. Dvedhavitakka Sutta (19) The Parable of the lure of sensuality. Repetition of the Enlightenment as in (4).
  10. Vitakkasanthana Sutta (20) Method of meditation to dispel undesirable thoughts.


Pali version of Tatiya-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Kakacupama Sutta (21) The simile of the saw. On the control of the feelings and the mind under the most severe provocation.
  2. Alagaddupama Sutta (22) Simile of the water-snake. Holding wrong views of the Dhamma is like seizing a snake by the tail.
  3. Vammika Sutta (23) The simile of the smouldering ant-hill as the human body.
  4. Rathavinita Sutta (24) Punna explains the purpose of the holy life to Sariputta.
  5. Nivapa Sutta (25) Parable of Mara as a sower or hunter laying baits for the deer.
  6. Ariyapariyesana Sutta (26) The Noble Quest. The Buddha's account of his renunciation, search, and his attainment of Enlightenment.
  7. Culahatthipadopama Sutta (27) The short "Elephant's trail" simile.
  8. Mahahatthipadopama Sutta (28) The long "Elephant's trail" simile. Mentions earth, liquid, fire, wind, space elements.
  9. Mahasaropama Sutta (29) On the danger of gain, honour and fame. Said to have been delivered when Devadatta left the Order.
  10. Culasaropama Sutta (30) Development of the preceding sutta. On attaining the essence of the Dhamma.


Pali version of Mahayamaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Culagosinga Sutta (31) A conversation of the Buddha with three bhikkhus, who relate their attainments to him.
  2. Mahagosinga Sutta (32) A conversation between six bhikkhus who discuss what makes the forest beautiful.
  3. Mahagopalaka Sutta (33) On the eleven bad and good qualities of a herdsman.
  4. Culagopalaka Sutta (34) Simile of the foolish and wise herdsman crossing the river.
  5. Cula Saccaka Sutta (35) A discussion between the Buddha and Saccaka the Jain, on the nature of the five khandas.
  6. Maha Saccaka Sutta (36) The account of the Buddha's asceticism and Enlightenment, with instructions on right meditation.
  7. Culatanhasankhaya Sutta (37) Sakka asks the Buddha about freedom from craving and satisfactorily repeats his reply to Moggallana.
  8. Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta (38) Refutation of the heresy of a bhikkhu who thinks that it is consciousness that transmigrates.
  9. Maha Assapura Sutta (39) See (40) below.
  10. Cula Assapura Sutta (40) The great and the small discourses given at Assapura, on the duties of the ascetic.


Pali version of Culayamaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Saleyyaka Sutta (41) A discourse to the brahmins of Sala, on the reasons why some beings go to heaven and some to hell.
  2. Veranjaka Sutta (42) The same discourse repeated to the householders of Veranja.
  3. Mahavedalla Sutta (43) A psychological discourse by Sariputta to Mahakotthita.
  4. Culavedalla Sutta (44) A psychological discourse by the bhikkhuni Dhammadinna to the lay-devotee Visakha.
  5. Culadhammasamadana Sutta (45) See (46) below.
  6. Mahadhammasamadana Sutta (46) The short and the long discourses on the ripening of pleasure and pain in the future.
  7. Vimamsaka Sutta (47) On the right methods of investigation.
  8. Kosambiya Sutta (48) A discourse to the bhikkhus of Kosambi on the evil of quarrelling.
  9. Brahmanimantanika Sutta (49) The Buddha converts Baka in Brahmaloka, from the heresy of permanency.
  10. Maratajjaniya Sutta (50) Moggallana admonishes Mara.


Pali version of Gahapati-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Kandaraka Sutta (51) Discourse on the four kinds of personalities.
  2. Atthakanagara Sutta (52) A discourse by Ananda on the ways of attainment of Nibbana.
  3. Sekha Sutta (53) The Buddha opens a now meeting hall at Kapilavatthu, and Ananda discourses on the training of the disciple.
  4. Potaliya Sutta (54) The Buddha explains to Potaliya the real significance of the abandonment of worldliness.
  5. Jivaka Sutta (55) The Buddha explains the ethics of meat-eating.
  6. Upali Sutta (56) The conversion of Upali, the Jain.
  7. Kukkuravatika Sutta (57) A dialogue on kamma(karma/deeds) between the Buddha and two ascetics.
  8. Abhayarajakumara Sutta (58) The Jain Nataputta sends Prince Abhaya to question the Buddha on the condemnation of Devadatta.
  9. Bahuvedaniya Sutta (59) On the classification of feelings.
  10. Apannaka Sutta (60) On the "Certain Doctrine", against various heresies.


Pali version of Bhikkhu-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Ambalatthika-Rahulovada Sutta (61) The discourse on falsehood, given by the Buddha to Rahula.
  2. Maha-Rahulovada Sutta (62) Advice to Rahula on contemplation, with breathing exercises.
  3. Cula-Malunkya Sutta (63) On the undetermined questions (Cp. also (72).)
  4. Maha-Malunkya Sutta (64) On the five lower fetters.
  5. Bhaddali Sutta (65) The confession of Bhaddali, and the Buddha's counsel.
  6. Latukikopama Sutta (66) Advice on renunciation of the world.
  7. Catuma Sutta (67) Advice to quarrelsome bhikkhus at Catuma.
  8. Nalakapana Sutta (68) The Buddha questions Anuruddha concerning certain points of the Dhamma.
  9. Gulissani Sutta (69) Rules for those who, like Gulissani, live in the forest.
  10. Kitagiri Sutta (70) The conduct to be followed by various classes of bhikkhus.


Pali version of Paribbajaka-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Tevijja-Vacchagotta Sutta (71) The Buddha visits the ascetic Vacchagotta and claims that he is called tevijja (possessing the three-fold knowledge) bacause he has recollection of his previous lives, supernormal vision, and knowledge of the way to the elimination of the asavas.
  2. Aggi-Vacchagotta Sutta (72) The danger of theorising about the world, etc.
  3. Maha Vacchagotta Sutta (73) Further explanation to Vacchagotta on the conduct of lay disciples and bhikkhus.
  4. Dighanakha Sutta (74) The Buddha refutes the ascetic Dighanakha. Sariputta attains arahatship.
  5. Magandiya Sutta (75) The Buddha tells of his renunciation of the life of the senses, and dilates on the abandonment of sensual desires.
  6. Sandaka Sutta (76) Ananda refutes the heresies of the ascetic Sandaka.
  7. Mahasakuludayi Sutta (77) On the five reasons why the Buddha is honoured.
  8. Samanamandika Sutta (78) On the qualities of perfect virtue.
  9. Culasakuludayi Sutta (79) The Jain leader Nataputta, and the way to true happiness.
  10. Vekhanassa Sutta (80) A repetition of part of the preceding sutta, with additional matter on the five senses.


Pali version of Raja-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Ghatikara Sutta (81) The Buddha tells Ananda of his previous existence as Jotipala.
  2. Ratthapala Sutta (82) The story of Ratthapala, whose parents endeavoured in vain to dissuade him from entering the Sangha.
  3. Makhadeva Sutta (83) The story of the Buddha's previous life as King Makhadeva.
  4. Madhura Sutta (84) A discourse given after the Buddha's decease by Kaccana to King Avantiputta on the real meaning of caste.
  5. Bodhirajakumara Sutta (85) The Buddha tells the story of his renunciation and Enlightenment as in (26) and (36).
  6. Angulimala Sutta (86) Story of the conversion of Angulimala, the robber chief.
  7. Piyajatika Sutta (87) The Buddha's counsel to a man who had lost a son, and the dispute between King Pasenadi and his wife thereon.
  8. Bahitika Sutta (88) Ananda answers a question on conduct put by Pasenadi, who presents him with a piece of foreign cloth.
  9. Dhammacetiya Sutta (89) Pasenadi visits the Buddha, and extols the holy life.
  10. Kannakatthalaka Sutta (90) A conversation between the Buddha and Pasenadi, on the devas, on caste, and on Brahma.


Pali version of Brahmana-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Brahmayu Sutta (91) On the thirty-two marks of a Great Man, and the conversion of the Brahmin Brahmayu.
  2. Sela Sutta (92) The Brahmin Sela sees the thirty-two marks of a Buddha and is converted. (The same story is related in Sutta Nipata III, 7).
  3. Assalayana Sutta (93) The Brahmin Assalayana discusses caste with the Buddha. An Important presentation of the Buddha's teaching on caste.
  4. Ghotamukha Sutta (94) Ghotamukha builds an assembly hall for the Sangha. Udena's discourse at its opening.
  5. Canki Sutta (95) Discourse on Brahmanical doctrines.
  6. Esukari Sutta (96) Discourse on caste and its functions.
  7. Dhananjani Sutta (97) Sariputta tells the Brahmin Dhananjani that family duties are no excuse for wrong-doing.
  8. Vasettha Sutta (98) Discourse, mostly in verse, on the nature of the true brahmin. (This recurs in Sutta Nipata III, 9).
  9. Subha Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya) (99) On whether a man should remain a householder or leave the world.
  10. Sangarava Sutta (100) The Brahmin woman who accepted the Dhamma, and a discourse on the holy life. Also repetition of parts of (26) and (36).


Pali version of Devadaha-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Devadaha Sutta (101) The Buddha discourses on the attainment of the goal by the living of the life.
  2. Pancattaya Sutta (102) On five theories of the soul, and that the way of release (Nibbana) does not depend on any of them.
  3. Kinti Sutta (103) Rules for bhikkhus who dispute about the Dhamma, and who commit transgressions.
  4. Samagama Sutta (104) After the death of Nataputta -- also in Digha Nikaya (29) -- the Buddha's discourse on dispute and harmony.
  5. Sunakkhatta Sutta (105) The simile of extracting the arrow of craving.
  6. Ananjasappaya Sutta (106) Meditations on impassibility and the attainments, and on true release.
  7. Ganaka-Moggallana Sutta (107) Instruction to Ganaka-Moggallana on the training of disciples.
  8. Gopaka-Moggallana Sutta (108) After the decease of the Buddha, Ananda explains to Vassakara that the Dhamma is now the only Guide.
  9. Maha Punnama Sutta (109) The Buddha answers the questions a bhikkhu concerning the khandhas.
  10. Cula Punnama Sutta (110) A discourse on the bad and the good man.


Pali version of Anupada-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Anupada Sutta (111) The Buddha praises Sariputta and his analysis of mind.
  2. Chabbisodhana Sutta (112) On the questions to be put to the bhikkhu who declares he has attained arahantship.
  3. Sappurisa Sutta (113) On the good and bad qualities of a bhikkhu.
  4. Sevitabbasevitabba Sutta (114) Sariputta expounds the right way to live the holy life.
  5. Bahudhatuka Sutta (115) Lists of elements and principles arranged as dialogue between the Buddha and Ananda.
  6. Isigili Sutta (116) The Buddha on Pacceka-Buddhas.
  7. Mahacattarisaka Sutta (117) Exposition of the Noble Eightfold Path.
  8. Anapanasati Sutta (118) On breathing exercises.
  9. Kayagatasati Sutta (119) Meditation on the body.
  10. Sankharuppatti Sutta (120) On the development of the five sankharas as enabling a bhikkhu to determine the conditions of his rebirth.


Pali version of Sunnata-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Culasunnata Sutta (121) Meditation on emptiness.
  2. Mahasunnata Sutta (122) Instruction to Ananda on the practice of meditation on emptiness.
  3. Acchariyabbhutadhamma Sutta (123) On the marvellous life of a bodhisatta. A repetition of part of Digha Nikaya (14) but applied to the Buddha himself.
  4. Bakkula Sutta (124) Bakkula converts his friend Acela-Kassapa.
  5. Dantabhumi Sutta (125) By the simile of elephant training, the Buddha shows how one should instruct another in the Dhamma.
  6. Bhumija Sutta (126) Bhumija answers the questions of Prince Jayasena.
  7. Anuruddha Sutta (127) Anuruddha explains emancipation of mind to the householder Pancakanga.
  8. Upakkilesa Sutta (128) The Buddha appeases the quarrels of the bhikkhus of Kosambi, and discourses on Right Meditation.
  9. Balapandita Sutta (129) On rewards and punishments after death.
  10. Devaduta Sutta (130) On the fate of those who neglect the messengers of death.


Pali version of Vibhanga-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Bhaddekaratta Sutta (131) A poem of four verses, with commentary on striving.
  2. Anandabhaddekaratta Sutta (132) Ananda's exposition of the same poem.
  3. Mahakaccanabhaddekaratta Sutta (133) Mahakaccana expounds the same poem.
  4. Lomasakangiyabhaddekaratta Sutta (134) The Buddha expounds the same poem to Lomasakangiya.
  5. Culakammavibhanga Sutta (135) The Buddha explains the various physical and mental qualities as due to kamma(karma/deeds).
  6. Mahakammavibhanga Sutta (136) The Buddha refutes the arguments of an ascetic who denies the operation of Kamma(karma/deeds).
  7. Salayatanavibhanga Sutta (137) The analysis of the six senses.
  8. Uddesavibhanga Sutta (138) Mahakaccana dilates on an aspect of consciousness.
  9. Aranavibhanga Sutta (139) The middle path between extremes.
  10. Dhatuvibhanga Sutta (140) The story of Pukkusati, who recognises the Master by his Teaching. The analysis of the elements.
  11. Saccavibhanga Sutta (141) Statement of the Four Noble Truths. A commentary thereon by Sariputta.
  12. Dakkhinavibhanga Sutta (142) On gifts and givers.


Pali version of Salayatana-Vagga: Pali-English and Pali-Devanagari

  1. Anathapindikovada Sutta (143) the death of Anathapindika, his rebirth in Tusita heaven, and his appearance to the Buddha.
  2. Channovada Sutta (144) Story of the Thera Channa, who when sick was instructed by Sariputta, and who finally committed suicide.
  3. Punnovada Sutta (145) The Buddha's instruction to Punna on bearing pleasure and pain.
  4. Nandakovada Sutta (146) Nandaka catechises Mahapajapati and 500 bhikkhunis on impermanence.
  5. Cula Rahulovada Sutta (147) The Buddha takes Rahula to the forest and questions him on impermanence. The devas come to listen to the discourse.
  6. Chachakka Sutta (148) On the six sixes (of the senses).
  7. Mahasalayatanika Sutta (149) On right knowledge of the senses.
  8. Nagaravindeyya Sutta (150) The Buddha's instruction on the kinds of ascetics and brahmins who are to be honoured.
  9. Pindapataparisuddhi Sutta (151) Instruction to Sariputta on the training of the disciple.
  10. Indriyabhavana Sutta (152) The Buddha rejects the methods of the Brahmin Parasariya for subduing the seuses, and expounds his own method.

Download/View English Translation[]

1. Modern English translation by Bhikku Nanamoli & Bhikku Bodhi. Book is split into 5 parts due to upload limit of 10mb.

File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 1.pdf

File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 2.pdf

File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 3.pdf

File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 4.pdf

File:The Middle Length Discourses(Majjhima Nikaya),Nanamoli,Bodhi,1995 5.pdf

2. Old translation from Pali Text Society.

Note : Some files are divided into parts a,b,c etc.

File:MN1.pts a.pdf ; File:MN1.pts b.pdf ; File:MN1.pts c.pdf

File:MN2.pts a.pdf ; File:MN2.pts b.pdf ; File:MN2.pts c.pdf

File:MN3.pts a.pdf ; File:MN3.pts b.pdf ; File:MN3.pts c.pdf

Original Pali Version[]


Click the link below to access the original Majjhima Nikaya files in Pali Language, the language spoken by Buddha.

Majjhima Nikaya,Pali
