Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Mahavagga >> Second Khandaka >> 2.36
Adapted from the Translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg
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Chapter-36 : When Not to Recite.
1. ' Let no one, O Bhikkhus(Monks), recite the Patimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a Bhikkhuni(Nun). He who does, commits a dukkata offence. Let no one, O Bhikkhus(Monks), recite the Patimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a sikkhamana, a samanera, a samaneri, one who has abandoned the precepts, one who is guilty of an extreme offence. He who does, commits a dukkata offence.
2. 'Let no one, O Bhikklius, recite the Patimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a (Bhikkhu) against whom expulsion has been pronounced for his refusal to see an offence (committed by himself), before a (Bhikkhu) against whom expulsion has been pronounced for his refusal to atone for such an offence, or for his refusal to renounce a false doctrine. He who does, is to be treated according to the law.
3. 'Let no one, O Bhikkhus(Monks), recite the Patimokkha in a seated assembly (of Bhikkhus) before a eunuch, before one who has furtively attached himself (to the Sangha), &c. {see chap. 22. 3), before a eunuch. He who does, commits a dukkata offence.
4. 'Let no one, O Bhikkhus(Monks), hold Uposatba by (accepting) the parisuddhi declaration of a parivasika, except if the assembly has not yet risen (at the time when the parisuddhi is declared). And let no one, O Bhikkhus(Monks), hold Uposatha on another day than the Uposatha day, except for the sake of (declaring the re-establishment of) concord among tbe Sangha.'
End of the third Bhanavara in the Uposathakhandhaka.
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