Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Mahavagga >> First Khandaka >> 1.73

Adapted from the Translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg

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Chapter-73 : Conditions for Living Without Instructor.

1. At that time a certain Bhikkhu was travelling on the road in the Kosala country. Now this Bhikkhu thought: 'The Lord Buddha has prescribed that we shall not live without a nissaya (of an achariya(teacher) and an upajjhaya); now I want a nissaya, but I am travelling. What am I to do?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I allow, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a travelling Bhikkhu who can get no nissaya, to live without a nissaya.'

2. At that time two Bhikkhus were travelling on the road in the Kosala country. They came to a certain residence; there one of the two Bhikkhus was taken ill. Now that sick Bhikkhu thought: 'The Lord Buddha has prescribed that we shall not live without a nissaya; now I want a nissaya, but I am sick. What am I to do?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I allow, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a sick Bhikkhu who can get no nissaya, to live without a nissaya.'

3. Now the other Bhikkhu, who nursed that sick Bhikkhu, thought: 'The Lord Buddha has prescribed, &c.; now I want a nissaya, but this Bhikkhu is sick. What am I to do?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I allow, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu who is nursing a sick Bhikkhu, if he can get no nissaya and the sick asks him (to remain with him), to live without a nissaya.'

4. At that time a certain Bhikkhu lived in the forest; he had a dwelling-place where he lived pleasantly. Now this Bhikkhu thought: 'The Lord Buddha has prescribed, &c.; now I want a nissaya, but I live in the forest and have a dwelling-place where I live pleasantly. What am I to do?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I allow, O Bhikkhus(Monks), a Bhikkhu living in the forest who finds a place where he may live pleasantly, and who can get (there) no nissaya, to live without a nissaya (saying to himself): "If a proper person to give me nissaya comes here, I will take nissaya of that person."

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