Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Khandhaka >> Mahavagga >> Eighth Khandaka >> 8.9

Adapted from the Translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg

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1. At that time the Sangha's store-room was over-full of clothes.

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that they should be distributed by the assembled Sangha.'

At that time the whole Sangha, when distributing the clothes, made a bustle.

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you appoint a Bhikkhu possessed of the following five qualities, to distribute the clothes: (a person) who does not go in the evil course of lust . . . and who knows what is distributed and what is not.

'And you ought, O Bhikkhus, to appoint (&c. see Chap-5, §-2).'

2. Now the Bhikkhus appointed to distribute the clothes thought: 'In what way are we to distribute the clothes?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you first assort the clothes, estimate them, share them according to their higher or lower value, then count the Bhikkhus, divide them into troops, and divide the portions of cloth (accordingly).'

Now the Bhikkhus, who were to distribute the clothes, thought: 'What portion of cloth shall be given to the Samaneras?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you give to the Samaneras half a portion.'

3. At that time a certain Bhikkhu wished to go across (a river or a desert) with the portion that should come to him.

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you give to a Bhikkhu who is going across (a river or a desert), the portion that should come to him.'

At that time a certain Bhikkhu wished to go across (a river or a desert) with a greater portion (of cloth than fell to his share).

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you give more than the due portion (to a Bhikkhu who desires it), if-he gives a compensation.'

4. Now the Bhikkhus, who were to distribute the clothes, thought: 'How are we to assign the portions of cloth (to the single Bhikkhus), by turns as they arrive (and ask for cloth), or according to their age (i.e. the time elapsed since their ordination)?'

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you cast lots, made of grass-blades, after having made every defective portion even.'

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