Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Tipitaka >> Vinaya Pitaka >> Khandhaka >> Chulavagga >> Second Khandhaka >> 2.3

Adapted from the Translation by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg

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1. Now at that time, since there was a great company of the Bhikkhus gathered together at Savatthi, those Bhikkhus who had been placed on probation did not know how to carry out their probation correctly.

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe to you, O Bhikkhus, to carry out your probation correctly. Now thus, O Bhikkhus, ought you to postpone the probation. The Bhikkhu who has been placed on probation is to go up to a single Bhikkhu, and arranging his robe on one shoulder, and squatting down on his heels, and stretching forth his hands with the palms together, he is to say: "I postpone my probation." Then the probation is postponed. Or he is to say: "I postpone

the duties (i.e. of a probationer)." Then also the probation is postponed.'

2. Now at that time the Bhikkhus who were at Savatthi went away here and there, and the Bhikkhus who had been placed on probation were not able to carry out their probation correctly.

They told this thing to the Lord Buddha.

'I prescribe to you, O Bhikkhus, to take upon yourselves again the probation (which had been postponed). Now thus, O Bhikkhus, ought you to take it upon yourselves again. The Bhikkhu who has been placed under probation is to go up to a single Bhikkhu, and arranging his robe on one shoulder, and squatting down on his heels, and stretching forth his hands with the palms together, he is to say: "I take my probation again upon myself." Then the probation is resumed. Or he is to say: "I take the duties (i.e. of a probationer) upon myself again." Then also is the probation resumed.'


Here end the duties encumbent on a probationer.

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