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Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 8
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version

Translated by : U Narada

Chapter 8 : Dissociated and Associated[]



317. Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states. With how

many aggregates, with how many bases and with how many elements

are those states associated ? With none (1).

318. Feeling aggregate is dissociated from these states ;

Perception aggregate ; Mental formation aggregate ; Consciousness

aggregate . . . States which are causes of lamentation ; States which are

not causes of lamentation are dissociated from these states.

With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with how

many elements are those states associated ? With none (323).


Cognizable base, cognizable element, again life faculty, mentality materiality.

Six bases, birth, ageing, death, two triplets. Those states are not


Seven states from the first lesser intermediate couplets, ten clusters.

Again fourteen greater-intermediate couplets, six last couplets.

These also are not included. All these forty-seven states are not

included in this negative Chapter together with Chapter 14.

Explanation of the Methods and Charts of Chapters VIII and XIV

Subject matter : 324 states which are dissociated by planes, by

classes, by times and by continuity form the subject matter of these

two chapters. Here the states that are dissociated from the state

of enquiry and the states that are associated with the above

dissociated states are considered. This method can be applied only

to states that are pure materiality, Nibbana and mental aggregates

and to those states which involve both materiality and mentality

but are dissociated. Out of the 324 states, 97 belong to the internal

and 227 to the external states of enquiry.

All the states of enquiry are not mentioned in Chapter VIII

which has only 2 questions and answers. The reason is that all of

them give the same negative answer, i.e. “ with none ” . However,

they are mentioned in Chapter XIV to which reference can be made

Some of them have been included here so as to show clearly the

states that are taken as “ these states

Dissociated states : Suffering truth and supramundane mental

groupings are dissociated by planes. The 9 great becomings are

taken as “ these states ” in turns because they are also dissociated

by planes. But as explained in Chapter VI, since materiality and

materiality are not dissociated, when percepted becoming is the

state of enquiry, non-percepted becoming cannot be taken as

“ these states ” . So also with five-aggregate becoming, one-aggre gate

becoming cannot be taken as “ these states ” . However, with

pure mentality as the state of enquiry such as four-aggregate

becoming and neither perception nor non-perception becoming,

non-percepted becoming and one-aggregate becoming, which are

pure materiality, are respectively taken as “ these states ” .

“ These states ” : The rules for determining “ these states ” are

as follows :—

1. When materiality or Nibbana is the state of enquiry, the

dissociated 4 mental aggregates are taken as “ these states ” and

later as “ those states ” . Since the latter have no associated states,

the answer is “ with none ” .

2. With mental factors such as feeling aggregate and so on

which are associated with all kinds of consciousness and with 89 types

of consciousness such as consciousness aggregate, the dissociated

states, materiality and Nibbana are taken as “ these states ” .

3. With mental factors such as Origin truth and so on which

are not associated with all kinds of consciousness and with one of the

7 consciousness elements such as eye-consciousness element and so

on, the dissociated mentality, together with materiality and Nibbana

are taken as “ these states ” . (Origin truth, which is greed, and hate

or delusion are dissociated by class).

4. With rebirth becoming where both materiality and mentality

are involved, the dissociated mental states are taken as “ these

states ” .

How to read the Chart: Matter aggregate is taken as illustration.

Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states (4 mental aggregates).

With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with

how many elements are those states (4 mental aggregates)

associated ? With none.

The kinds of answers : They are all the same, i.e. “ with none ”

Chapter XIV

Here the states that are dissociated from the state of enquiry as in

Chapter VIII are classified and unclassified under the aggregates,

bases and elements. The asterisk shows that Nibbana is not classified

under the aggregates.

How to read the Chart; Matter aggregate is taken as illustration.

Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states (4 mental aggregates).

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and

under how many elements are those states (4 mental aggregates)

classified ? They are classified under 4 aggregates (feeling, perception,

mental formation and consciousness aggregates), under 2 bases

(cognizable base and mind base) and under 8 elements (cognizable

element and 7 consciousness elements).

Under how many are they (4 mental aggregates) not classified ?

They are not classified under 1 aggregate (matter aggregate), under

10 bases (10 gross bases) and under 10 elements (10 gross elements).

The kinds of answers : There are 9 kinds of answers. The numbers

of states o f enquiry having the same answers are given below :-

Question Numbers    

No. of States

1. 456 (1), 458 (20), 462 (8), 470 (4), 478 (4), 487 (2), 491 (10)

469 (6), 500 (2), 510 (10), 503 (2), 505 (5), 507 (2)

509 (2), 516 (3)   


2. 457 (6). 466 (3), 472 (6), 504 (8)


3. 459 (7), 473 (1), 481 (1), 512 (2)


4. 460 (1), 475 (1), 480 (1), 486 (5), 490 (2), 495 (3), 497 (1)

499 (4), 501 (20), 502 (4), 507 (4), 508 (5), 511 (4), 515 (3)

518 (5)   


5. 461 (2), 463 (4), 465 (10), 467 (3), 471 (16), 474 (4), 477 (2)

482 (3), 485 (9), 489 (8), 492 (4), 494 (8), 498 (5), 501

(28), 507 (13), 510 (4), 513 (3), 517 (5) 


6. 464 (1), 476 (2), 484 (1), 514 (1)   


7. 468 (3), 479 (1), 483 (1), 506 (1)   


8. 469 ( 1 )   


9. 488 (1), 493 ( 2 )   


Total 324

DhatukathaCh 8 14