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Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 4
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version

Translated by : U Narada

Chapter 4 : Classified and Classified[]




191. Origin truth is classified with these states; Path truth is

classified with these states under the same aggregate, under the

same base and under the same element. Those states are classified

with these states under the same aggregate, under the same base

and under the same element.

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They are classified

under 1 aggregate, under 1 base and under 1 element (2).

192. Female faculty is classified with these states ; Male faculty ;

Bodily pleasure faculty; Bodily pain faculty ; Mental joy faculty ;

Grief faculty; Indifference faculty; Faith faculty; Energy

faculty ; Mindfulness faculty ; Concentration faculty ; Wisdom

faculty ; I-shall-know-what-I-did-not-know faculty ; Higher realiza tion

faculty ; He-who-has-known faculty (15).

Ignorance ; Conditioned by ignorance, Formations ; Conditioned

by 6 bases. Contact; Conditioned by feeling. Craving ; Conditioned

by craving. Clinging ; Kamma becoming ; Sorrow ; Lamentation ;

Suffering ; Grief; Despair (11).

Application of mindfulness ; Great effort; Illimitables ;

5 Faculties ; 5 Strengths ; 7 Factors of Enlightenment; Noble Eightfold

Path ; Contact; Volition ; Decision ; Attention (11).

States which are roots; States which are roots and also have

associated roots; States which are roots and also associated with

roots ; States which are Cankers . .. Fetters . . . Ties . . . Floods . ..

Bonds . . . Hindrances . . . Misapprehensions . . . Clingings . . . States

which are corruptions; States which are both corruptions and

objects o f corruptions; States which are both corruptions and

corrupt; States which are both corruptions and associated with

corruptions are classified with these states under the same aggregate,

under the same base and under the same element. Those states are

classified with these states under the same aggregate, under the

same base and under the same element.

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They are classified

under 1 aggregate, under 1 base and under 1 element (30).



Two truths, fifteen faculties, eleven dependent originations.

Next eleven, thirty kinds belonging to clusters.

Explanation of the Method and Chart of Chapter IV

Subject Matter : 69 states that are the parts of mental formation

aggregate, 5 feeling faculties, subtle matter and 3 kinds of audible

object form the subject matter of this chapter. Each of them can be

classified with other states in the same category (the first of “ these

states ” in the chart) under the same aggregate, under the same

base and under the same element. And because they belong to the

same aggregate, the same base and the same element, the states

under comparison can he interchanged and classified in the same way

as above. Out of the 69 states, 39 belong to the internal and 30 to

the external states of enquiry.

“ These States ” : The rules for determining “ these states ” are

as follows :—

1. When one of the 50 states of the mental formation aggregate

is the state of enquiry, the remaining 49 states, which also come

under the same aggregate, under the same base and under the same

element, are taken as the first “ these states ” . On interchanging,

the state of enquiry is taken as the second “ these states For

example, when Origin truth is dealt with, the remaining 49 states

of the mental formation aggregate are taken as the first “ these

states ” . Both Origin truth and the 49 states which come under

mental formation aggregate, under cognizable base and under

cognizable element can be classified under the same aggregate,

under the same base and under the same element. On interchanging,

the 49 states are classified with Origin truth, the state of enquiry,

which is taken as the second “ these states ” under the same aggre gate,

under the same base and under the same element as in the first case.

This is shown in the second “ these states ” column of

the chart.

In the case of Path truth, only the Supramundane Eightfold Path

is associated with 4 Path consciousness. Since the mundane

Eight fold Path associated with wholesome consciousness and others is

not included, the 50 states of mental fonnation aggregate are taken

as “ these states".

In the cases of the states which are roots, etc., the 6 roots are

excluded and 44 states of mental formation aggregate are taken as

“ these states ” .

2. When one of 16 states of subtle matter such as female faculty

is the state of enquiry, the remaining 15, which also come under

matter aggregate, under cognizable base and under cognizable

element are taken as the first “ these states ” . Then on interchanging,

the state of enquiry is taken as the second “ these states ” . This also

applies to male-faculty.

3. When one of the 5 feeling faculties such as bodily pleasure

faculty is the state of enquiry, the remaining 4 faculties, which also

come under feeling aggregate, under cognizable base and under

cognizable element, are taken as the first “ these states ” . Then on

interchanging, the state of enquiry is taken as the second “ these

states ” .

4. When one of the 3 kinds of audible object such as lamentation

is the state of enquiry, the remaining 2, which also come under

matter aggregate, sound base and sound element are taken as the

first “ these states ” . Then on interchanging, the state of enquiry

is taken as the second “ these states ” .

“ Those States ” : The first and second “ those states ” are the

same as the states taken as the first and second “ these states ”

respectively. This can be seen from tbe chart.

How to read the Chart: Take Origin truth as an illustration.

Origin truth is classified with these states (tbe remaining 49 states

of mental formation aggregate) under tbe same aggregate (mental

formation aggregate), under the same base (cognizable base) and

under the same element (cognizable element). Those states (the

remaining 49 states of mental formation aggregate) are classified

with these states (Origin truth) under the same aggregate (mental

formation aggregate), under the same base (cognizable base) and

under tbe same element (cognizable element).

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states (Origin truth) classified ? They

are classified under 1 aggregate (mental formation aggregate), under

1 base (cognizable base) and under 1 element (cognizable element).

The kinds of the first “ these ” and “ those ” States : The same

kinds are grouped together and mentioned in brackets with the

numbers of the questions :—

Question Numbers    

No. of States

191 (Origin truth 1), 192 (Faith, Energy, Mindfulness, Ignorance,

Contact, Craving, Clinging, Despair, Contact, Volition,

Decision, Attention + 30 clusters)


191 (Path truth), 192 (Concentration, Wisdom,

I-shall-know what-I-did-not-know faculty.

Higher realization faculty, He who-has-known faculty.

Formation, Kamma becoming.

Application of mindfulness to Noble Eightfold Path


192 Female faculty, Male faculty


192 Bodily pleasure faculty . . . Indifference faculty (5), Sorrow,

Suffering, Grief


192 Lamentation


Total 69

The kinds of Answers : The answers are the same with respect

to their numbers, but the kinds of aggregates, bases and elements

they stand for are to be foimd in the Classified columns.

Chart of Chapter 4

DhatukathaCh 4