Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 14
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version

Translated by : U Narada

Chapter 14 : Classified and Unclassified Concerning the Dissociated[]




1. Aggregates and so on

456. Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states. Under

how many aggregates, under how many bases and under how many

elements are those states classified ? They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (1).

467. Feeling aggregate is dissociated from these states ;

Perception aggregate ; Mental formation aggregate ; Consciousness

aggregate ; Mind base; Mind faculty is dissociated from these states.

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They, excluding

Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are classified under

1 aggregate, under 11 bases and under 11 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 1 base and under 7 elements (6).

458. Eye base . . . Tangible Object base; Eye element. . . Tangible

Object element is dissociated from these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (20).

459. Eye consciousness element; Ear consciousness element;

Nose consciousness element; Tongue consciousness element; Body

consciousness element; Mind element; Mind consciousness element

is dissociated from these states. . . . They, excluding Nibbana from

the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and under 17 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non-classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 1 element (7).

2. Truths and so on

460. Suffering truth is dissociated from these states. . . . They

are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (1).

461. Origin truth ; Path truth is dissociated from these states.

They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are

classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (2).

462. Cessation truth; Eye faculty . . . Body faculty; Female

faculty; Male faculty is dissociated from these states. They are

classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not

classified under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (8).

463. Bodily pleasure faculty; Bodily pain faculty; Mental joy

faculty; Grief faculty is dissociated from these states. They,

excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are

classified imder 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (4).

464. Indifference faculty is dissociated from these states. They,

excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are

classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 13 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases;

they are not classified under 5 elements (1).

465. Faith faculty ; Energy faculty ; Mindfulness faculty ; Concentration

faculty ; Wisdom faculty ; I-shall-know-what-I-did-not know faculty;

Higher realization faculty; He-who-has-known

faculty; Ignorance; Conditioned by ignorance. Formations are

dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the

classification o f aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under

12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (10).

466. Conditioned by formalaon. Consciousness ; Conditioned by

6 bases, Contact; Conditioned by contact, Feeling is dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

o f aggregates, are classified under 1 aggregate, under 11 bases and

under 11 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 1 base and imder 7 elements (3).

467. Conditioned by feeling. Craving; Conditioned by craving.

Clinging ; Kamma becoming is dissociated from these states. They,

excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are classified

under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (3).

468. Rebirth becoming; Percepted becoming; Five-aggregate

becoming is dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 3 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 15 elements (3).

469. Sensuous becoming is dissociated from these states. They

are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 5 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and imder 13 elements (1).

470. Fine-material becoming; Non-percepted becoming; One-aggregate

becoming; Lamentation is dissociated from these states. They are

classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, imder 10 bases and under 10 elements (4).

471. Immaterial becoming ; Neither perception nor non-perception

becoming ; Four-aggregate becoming ; Sorrow ; Suffering;

Grief; Despair; Application o f Mindfulness; Great Effort; Road

to psychic power; Jhana; llimitables; 5 Faculties; 5 Strengths;

7 Factors o f Enlightenment; Noble Eightfold Path is dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified imder any elements.

3. Seven Contact Group

472. Contact; Feeling; Perception ; Volition ; Consciousness;

Attention is dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana

from the classification of aggregates, are classified under 1 aggregate,

under 11 bases and under 11 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 1 base and under 7 elements (6).

473. Decision is dissociated from these states. They, excluding

Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are classified under

5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 17 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified under

any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 1 element (1).

4. Triplets

474. Wholesome states are dissociated from these states.

Unwholesome states ; States associated with pleasant feeling ; States

associated with painful feeling are dissociated from these states.

They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are

classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not assified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (4).

475. Indeterminate states are dissociated from these states. They

are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (1).

476. States associated with feeling that is neither painful nor

pleasant; Resultant states are dissociated from these states. They,

excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are classified

under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 13 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified imder 5 elements (2).

477. States producing resultant states ; Corrupt and corrupting

states are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana

from the classification o f aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

hnder 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (2).

478. States which are neither resultant nor producing resultant

states ; States which are not acquired by clinging but favourable to

clinging ; States which are not acquired by clinging and not favourable

to clinging ; Not corrupt and not corrupting states are dissociated

from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under

2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (4).

479. States which are acquired by clinging and favourable to

clinging are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 3 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, imder 10 bases and under 15 elements (1).

480. Not corrupt but corrupting states are dissociated from these

states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and

under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (1).

481. States with applied-thought and sustained-thought are

dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the

classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under

12 bases and imder 17 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 1 element (1).

482. States without applied-thought but sustained-thought;

States accompanied by rapture ; States accompanied by pleasure

are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from

the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (3).

483. States without applied-thought and sustained-thought are

dissociated from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 3 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 15 elements (1).

484. States accompanied by indifference are dissociated from these

states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates,

are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under

13 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 5 elements (1).

485. States eradicated by First Path ; States eradicated by Higher

3 Paths; States together with roots eradicated by First Path ;

States together with roots eradicated by Higher 3 Paths; States

leading to rebirth and death ; States leading to Nibbana ; States

appertaining to Learners ; States appertaining to Arahatta ; Lofty

states are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana

from the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and tmder 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified imder any elements (9).

486. States eradicated neither by First Path nor by Higher 3

Paths ; States together with roots eradicated neither by First Path

nor by Higher 3 Paths; States neither leading to rebirth and death nor

to Nibbana ; States appertaining to neither Learners nor Arahatta;

Limited states are dissociated from these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (5).

487. Incomparable states; Exalted states are dissociated from

these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases

and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (2).

488. States with limited objects are dissociated from these states.

They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are

classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 12 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 6 elements (1).

489. States with lofty objects; States with incomparable objects ;

Low states ; States with fixed destiny due to wrong views ; States

with fixed destiny due to right views ; States with Path objects ;

States conditioned by the P ath ; States dominated by the Path

are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from

the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (8).

490. Medium states ; States with no fixed destiny are dissociated

from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under

2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (2).

491. States arisen ; States not arisen ; States bound to arise ;

Past states ; Future states ; Present states ; Internal states ;

External states ; States both visible and impinging ; States invisible

but impinging are dissociated from these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (10).

492. States with past object; States with future object; States

with internal object; States with external object are dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified imder any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (4).

493. States with present object; States with internal and external

object are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana

from the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and under 12 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 6 elements (2).

5. Couplets

494. States which are roots ; States which have associated roots ;

States which are associated with roots ; States which are roots and

also have associated roots ; States which have associated roots but

are not roots ; States which are roots and also associated with roots ;

States which are associated with roots but are not roots; States

which are not roots but have associated roots are dissociated from

these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of

aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (8).

495. States which have no roots; States which are dissociated

from roots ; States which are neither roots nor have associated

roots are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

496. States not arising from 4 causes; States not conditioned

by 4 causes ; States with visibility; States with impinging ; States

which have physical change ; States which are Supramundane are

dissociated from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, imder 10 bases and under 10 elements (6).

497. States which are mundane are dissociated from these states.

They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under

2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (1).

498. States which are cankers ; States which are associated with

cankers ; States which are both cankers and objects of cankers;

States which are both cankers and associated with cankers ; States

which are associated with cankers but are not cankers are dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (5).

499. States which are objects of cankers; States which are

dissociated from cankers ; States which are object of cankers but

are not cankers ; States which are dissociated from cankers but are

objects of cankers are dissociated from these states. They are

classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (4).

500. States which are not objects of cankers; States which are

dissociated from cankers and are not objects of cankers are dissoci ated

from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (2).

501. States which are fetters . . . States which are ties . . . States

which are floods . . . States which are bonds . . . States which are

hindrances  . . . States which are misapprehensions; States which

are associated with misapprehensions ; States which are both

misapprehensions and objects of misapprehensions are dissociated from

these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of

aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (58).

502. States which are objects of misapprehensions ; States which

are dissociated from misapprehensions ; States which are objects of

misapprehensions but are not misapprehensions ; States which are

dissociated from misapprehensions but are objects of misapprehensions

are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (4).

503. States which are not objects of misapprehensions; States

which are dissociated from misapprehensions and are not objects of

misapprehensions are dissociated from these states. They are

classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (2).

504. States which have objects ; States which are consciousness ;

States which are mental factors ; States which are associated with

consciousness; States which are conjoined with consciousness ;

States which are conjoined with and are generated by consciousness ;

States which are conjoined with, are generated by and arise together

with consciousness ; States which are conjoined with, are generated

by and arise successively with consciousness are dissociated from

these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification of

aggregates, are classified under 1 aggregate, under 11 bases and

under 11 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 1 base and under 7 elements (8).

505. States which have no objects ; States which are dissociated

from consciousness; States which are not conjoined with consciousness ;

States which are derived ; States which are not acquired

by clinging are dissociated from these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (5).

506. States which are acquired by clinging are dissociated from

these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, imder 2 bases

and under 3 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 15 elements (1).

507. States which are clinging . . . States which are corruptions ;

States which are corrupt; States which are associated with corruptions ;

States which are both corruptions and objects of corruptions ;

States which are both corruptions and corrupt; States which are

corrupt but are not corruptions ; States which are both corruptions

and associated with corruptions ; States which are associated with

corruptions but are not corruptions are dissociated from these states.

They, excluding Nibbana from the classification o f aggregates,

are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18


Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (19).

508. States which are objects of corruptions; States which are

not corrupt; States which are dissociated from corruptions ; States

which are objects of corruptions but are not corruptions; States

which are dissociated from corruptions but are objects of corruptions

are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (5).

509. States which are not objects of corruptions ; States which

are dissociated from corruptions and are not objects of corruptions

are dissociated from these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (2).

510. States eradicated by First Path ; States eradicated by

Higher 3 Paths; States together with roots eradicated by First

Path ; States together with roots eradicated by Higher 3 Paths are

dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the

classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under

12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (4).

511. States not eradicated by First Path ; States not eradicated

by Higher 3 Paths ; States together with roots not eradicated by

First Path ; States together with roots not eradicated by Higher 3

Paths are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, imder 10 bases and under 16 elements (4).

512. States with applied-thought; States with sustained-thought

are dissociated from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from

the classification of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates,

under 12 bases and under 17 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases ;

they are not classified under 1 element (2).

513. States with rapture ; States which are accompanied by

rapture ; States which are accompanied by pleasure are dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (3).

514. States which are accompanied by indifference are dissociated

from these states. They, excluding Nibbana from the classification

of aggregates, are classified under 5 aggregates, under 12 bases and

under 13 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not

non-classified under any aggregates, not non-classified under any

bases ; they are not classified under 6 elements (1).

515. States which belong to the sensuous plane ; States which

are included in the round of existences; States which are with

beyond are dissociated from these states. They are classified under

4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

516. States which do not belong to the sensuous plane; States

which are not included in the round of existences ; States which are

not with beyond are dissociated from these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (3).

517. States which belong to the fine-material plane ; States which

belong to the immaterial plane; States which lead out from the

round of existences ; States which have fixed destiny yielded after

decease or after their own occurrence; States which are causes

of lamentation are dissociated from these states. They, excluding

Nibbana from the classification of aggregates, are classified under

5 aggregates, under 12 bases and under 18 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not non classified

under any aggregates, not non-classified under any bases

and not non-classified under any elements (5).

518. States which do not belong to the fine-material plane ; States

which do not belong to the immaterial plane; States which do

not lead out from the round of existences ; States which have not

fixed destiny as above ; States which are not causes of lamentation

are dissociated from these states.

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (5).

Classified and Unclassified concerning the Dissociated 155


Same as Chapter VIII.

DhatukathaCh 8 14