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Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 12
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version

Translated by : U Narada

Chapter 12 : Classified and Unclassified Concerning the Associated[]




417. Feeling aggregate is associated with these states ; Perception

aggregate; Mental formation aggregate is associated with these


Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They are classified

under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (3).

418. Consciousness aggregate; Mind base; Eye consciousness

element. . . Mind element; Mind consciousness element is associated

with these states. . . . They are classified under 3 aggregates, under

1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (9).

419. Origin truth; Path truth is associated with these states.

They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under

2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (2).

420. Mind faculty is associated with these states. They are

classified under 3 aggregates, under 1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

421. Bodily pleasure faculty ; Bodily pain faculty; Mental joy

faculty; Grief faculty is associated with these states. They are

classified under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (4).

422. Indifference faculty is associated with these states. They are

classified under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 7 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and under 11 elements (1).

423. Faith faculty ; Energy faculty ; Mindfulness faculty ; Concentration

faculty; Wisdom faculty; I-shall-know-what-I-did-not know faculty;

Higher realization faculty; He-who-has-known

faculty; Ignorance; Conditioned by ignorance, Formations are

associated with these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and imder 16 elements (10).

424. Conditioned by formation. Consciousness is associated with

these states. They are classified under 3 aggregates, under 1 base

and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and imder 17 elements (1).

425. Conditioned by 6 bases. Contact is associated with these

states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and

under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (1).

426. Conditioned by contact. Feeling is associated with these

states. They are classified under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and

under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (1).

427. Conditioned by feeling. Craving; Conditioned by craving.

Clinging ; Kamma becoming is associated with these states. They

are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2


Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

428. Sorrow; Suffering; Grief is associated with these states.

They are classified under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under

2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

429. Despair; Application of mindfulness; Great effort is

associated with these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

430. Road to psychic power is associated with these states. They

are classified under 3 aggregates, under 1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

431. Jhana is associated with these states. They are classified

under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, imder 10 bases and under 16 elements (1).

432. Illimitables ; 5 Faculties ; 5 Strengths ; 7 Factors of

Enlightenment; Noble Eightfold Path is associated with these states.

They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under

2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (5).

433. Contact; Vohtion ; Attention is associated with these states.

They are classified under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under

8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 10 elements (3).

434. Feeling ; Perception is associated with these states. They are

classified under 3 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 8 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 10 bases and imder 10 elements (2).

435. Consciousness is associated with these states. They are

classified under 3 aggregates, under 1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified 1 They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

436. Decision is associated with these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 3 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 15 elements (1).


437. States associated with pleasant feeling; States associated

with painful feeling ; States associated with feeling that is neither

painful nor pleasant; States with applied-thought and sustained

thought ; States without applied-thought but with sustained thought ;

States accompanied by rapture ; States accompanied by

pleasure; States accompanied by indifference are associated with

these states. They are classified under 1 aggregate, under 1 base

and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (8).

438. States which are roots; States which are roots and also

have associated roots; States which are roots and also associated

with roots are associated with these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

439. States which have associated roots but are not roots ; States

which are associated with roots but are not roots; States which

are not roots but have associated roots are associated with these

states. They are classified under 1 aggregate, under 1 base and under

1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (3).

440. States which are cankers; States which are both cankers

and objects of cankers ; States which are both cankers and associated

with cankers are associated with these states. They are classified

under 4 aggregates, under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (3).

441. States which are associated with cankers but are not cankers

are associated with these states. They are classified under 1

aggre gate, under 1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

442. States which are fetters . . . States which are ties . . . States

which are floods . . . States which are bonds . . . States which are

hindrances . . . States which are misapprehensions; States which

are both misapprehensions and objects of misapprehensions are

associated with these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates,

under 2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (22).

443. States which are associated with misapprehensions are associated

with these states. They are classified under 1 aggregate, under

1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

444. States which are consciousness are associated with these

states. They are classified under 3 aggregates, under 1 base and

under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 2 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (1).

445. States which are mental factors ; States which are associated

with consciousness ; States which are conjoined with consciousness ;

States which are both conjoined with and are generated by consciousness ;

States which are conjoined with, are generated

by and arise together with consciousness; States which are con joined

with, are generated by and arise successively with consciousness are

associated with these states. They are classified under

1 aggregate, under 1 base and under 7 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 11 elements (6).

446. States which are clinging . . . States which are corruptions;

States which are both corruptions and objects o f corruptions;

States which are both corruptions and corrupt; States which are

both corruptions and associated with corruptions are associated

with these states. They are classified under 4 aggregates, under

2 bases and under 2 elements.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 1 aggregate, under 10 bases and under 16 elements (8).

447. States which are corrupt but are not corruptions; States

which are associated with corruptions but are not corruptions;

States with applied-thought; States with sustained-thought;

States with rapture ; States which are accompanied by rapture ;

States which are accompanied by pleasure; States which are

accompanied by indifference are associated with these states.

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states classified ? They are classified

under 1 aggregate, under 1 base and under 1 element.

Under how many are they not classified ? They are not classified

under 4 aggregates, under 11 bases and under 17 elements (8).


Explanation of the Method and Chart * of Chapter XII

Here the states that are associated with the state o f enquiry as in

Chapter IX are classified and unclassified under the aggregates,

bases and elements. The asterisk indicates the associated states

that are to be classified and unclassified. Only the classified are

shown in the chart and the remaining aggregates, bases and elements

are those that are tmclassified.

How to read the Chart: Feeling aggregate is taken as illustration.

Feeling aggregate is associated with these states (consciousness 89,

mental factors 52 excluding feeling = 51).

Under how many aggregates, under how many bases and under

how many elements are those states (consciousness 89, mental

factors 52 excluding feeling = 51) classified ? They (consciousness

89, mental factors 52 excluding feeling = 51) are classified under

3 aggregates (perception, mental formation and consciousness

aggregates), under 2 bases (cognizable base and mind base) and

under 8 elements (cognizable element and 7 consciousness elements).

Under how many are they (consciousness 89, mental factors 52

excluding feeling = 51) not classified ? They are not classified under

2 aggregates (matter aggregate and feeling aggregate), under 10

bases (10 gross bases) and under 10 elements (10 gross elements).

The kinds of answers : There are 9 kinds of answers. The numbers

of the states of enquiry having the same answers are shown below :-

Question Numbers    

No. of States

1. 417 (3), 426 (1), 434 ( 2 ) 


2. 418 (9), 420 (1), 424 (1), 430 (1), 435 (1), 444 (1) 


3. 419 (2), 423 (10), 427 (3), 429 (3), 432 (5), 438 (3), 440 (3

442 (17), 446 ( 7 )


4. 421 (4), 428 (3), 431 ( 1 )


5. 422 (1) 


6. 425 (1), 433 ( 3 )


7. 436 ( 1 ) 


8. 437 (8), 439 (3), 441 (1), 442 (5), 443 (1), 446 (1), 447 (8) 


9. 445 ( 6 )


Total 120

DhatukathaCh 9 12