Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 11
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version
Translated by : U Narada
Chapter 11 : Associated With And Dissociated From, The Classified[]
8 Question And Answers
409. Origin truth is classified with these states; Path truth is
classified with these states under the same aggregate, under the
same base and under the same element.
With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with how
many elements are those states associated ? They are associated
with 3 aggregates, with 1 base and With 7 elements; partially
associated with 1 aggregate, with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially
dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (2).
410. Female faculty; Male faculty is classified with these states
under the same aggregate, under the same base and under the same
With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with how
many elements are those states associated ? With none.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements ; partially
dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (2).
411. Bodily pleasure faculty; Bodily pain faculty ; Mental joy
faculty; Grief faculty is classified with these states under the
same aggregate, under the same base and under the same element...
They are associated with 3 aggregates, with 1 base and with 7
elements ; partially associated with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially
dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (4).
412. Indifference faculty is classified with these states under the
same aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
They are associated with 3 aggregates, with 1 base and with 2
elements ; partially associated with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 15 elements ; partially
dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).
413. Faith faulty ; Energy faculty ; Mindfulness faculty ; Concentration
faculty ; Wisdom faculty ; I-shall-know-what-I-did-not know faculty;
Higher realization faculty; He-who-has-known
faculty ; Ignorance ; Conditioned by ignorance, Formations ;
Conditioned by 6 bases. Contact; Conditioned by feeling. Craving;
Conditioned by craving. Clinging; Kamma becoming is classified
with these states under the same aggregate, under the same base
and under the same element. They are associated with 3 aggregates,
with 1 base and with 7 elements ; partially associated with 1 aggregate,
with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements;
partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (14).
414. Lamentation is classified with these states under the same
aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with how
many elements are those states associated ? With none.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are
dissociated from 4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements;
partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).
415. Sorrow; Suffering ; Grief is classified with these states under
the same aggregate, under the same base and under the same
They are associated with 3 aggregates, with 1 base and with
7 elements ; partially associated with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements;
partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (3).
416. Despair ; Application of Mindfulness ; Great Effort; Illimitables ;
5 Faculties ; 5 Strengths ; 7 Factors of Enlightenment;
Noble Eightfold Path ; Contact; Volition ; Decision ; Attention ;
States which are roots; States which are roots and also have
associated roots; States which are roots and also associated with
roots; States which are cankers; States which are both cankers
and objects of cankers ; States which are both cankers and associated
with cankers ; States which are fetters . . . States which are ties . . .
States which are floods . . . States which are bonds . . . States which
are hindrances . . . States which are misapprehensions . . . States
which are clinging . . . States which are corruptions ; States which
are both corruptions and objects of corruptions ; States which are
both corruptions and corrupt; States which are both corruptions
and associated with corruptions are classified with these states under
the same aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with
how many elements are those states associated ? They are associated
with 3 aggregates, with 1 base and with 7 elements; partially
associated with 1 aggregate, with 1 base and with 1 element.
From how many are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated
from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements;
partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (42).
Same as Chapter IV.
Explanation of the Method and Chart of Chapter XI
Subject matter : Here feeling, mental formation, aggregate, subtle
matter and one kind of audible object, which are classified with
the states of enquiry under the same aggregate, under the same base
and under the same element as given in Chapter IV, are now treated
under association and dissociation as in Chapter VI.
How to read the Chart: Origin truth is taken as illustration.
Origin truth is classified with these states (remaining 49 states of
mental formation aggregate) under the same aggregate (mental
formation aggregate), under the same base (cognizable base) and
under the same element (cognizable element).
With how many aggregates, with how many bases and with how
many elements are those states (remaining 49 states of mental
formation aggregate) associated ? They are associated with 3 aggregates
(remaining 3 mental aggregates), with 1 base (mind base)
and with 7 elements (7 consciousness elements); partially associated
with 1 aggregate (mental formation aggregate), with 1 (cognizable)
base (Origin truth, feeling and perception mental factors) and with
1 "(cognizable) element (Origin truth, feeling and perception mental
From how many are those states (remaining 49 states of mental
formation aggregate) dissociated ? They are dissociated from 1
aggregate (matter aggregate), from 10 bases (10 gross bases) and