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Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka >> Dhatukatha >> Chapter 10
Pali Versions : Pali-English Version and Pali-Devanagri Version

Translated by : U Narada

Chapter 10 : Dissociated and Dissociated[]


56  Questions  and  Answers

353. Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states.

From how many aggregates, from how many bases and from how

many elements are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated

from 4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

354. Feeling aggregate is dissociated from these states ; Perception

aggregate; Mental formation aggregate ; Consciousness aggregate;

Mind base is dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states. . . . They are dissociated from

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (5).

355. Eye base . . . Tangible Object base ; Eye element. . . Tangible

Object element is dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states. . . . They are dissociated from

4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements ; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (20).

356. Eye consciousness element . . . Mind consciousness element;

Origin truth; Path truth is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (9).

357. Cessation truth; Eye faculty . . . Body faculty; Female

faculty ; Male faculty is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from

4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements ; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (8).

358. Mind faculty is dissociated from these states. Those states

are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

359. Bodily pleasure faculty ; Bodily pain faculty ; Mental joy

faculty; Grief faculty is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from 

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (4).

360. Indifference faculty is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 11 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

361. Faith faculty ; Energy faculty ; Mindfulness faculty ; Concentration

faculty ; Wisdom faculty ; I-shall-know-what-I-did-not know faculty;

Higher realization faculty; He-who-has-known

faculty; Ignorance; Conditioned by ignorance. Formations are

dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases

and from 16 elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (10).

362. Conditioned by formation. Consciousness; Conditioned by

6 bases. Contact; Conditioned by contact. Feeling is dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these states.

They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10

elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (3).

363. Conditioned by feeling. Craving; Conditioned by craving.

Clinging ; Kamma becoming is dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (3).

364. Fine-material becoming is dissociated from these states.

Those states are dissociated from these states. They are not

dissociated from any aggregates, not dissociated from any bases;

they are dissociated from 3 elements (1).

365. Non-percepted becoming ; One-aggregate becoming ;

Lamentation is dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 4 aggregates, from

1 base and from 7 elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and

from 1 element (3).

366. Immaterial becoming; Neither perception nor

non-perception becoming ; Four-aggregate becoming; Sorrow ;

Suffering; Grief; Despair; Application of Mindfulness ; Great Effort; Road

to psychic pow er; Jhana; Illimitables; 5 Faculties ; 5 Strengths;

7 Factors of Enlightenment; Noble Eightfold Path is dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these states.

They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16

elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (16).

367. Contact; Feeling ; Perception ; Volition ; Consciousness ;

Attention is dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially dissociated from

1 base and from 1 element (6).

368. Decision is dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 15 elements; partially dissociated from

1 base and from 1 element (1).


369. Wholesome states ; Unwholesome states are dissociated from

these states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements ;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (2).

370. States associated with pleasant feeling; States associated

with painful feeling are dissociated from these states. Those states

are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 15 elements; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element (2).

371. States associated with feeling that is neither painful nor

pleasant are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 11 elements; partially dissociated from

I base and from 1 element (1).

372. Resultant states are dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from

1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

373. States producing resultant states ; Corrupt and corrupting

states are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from

10 bases and from 16 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base

and from 1 element (2).

374. States which are neither resultant nor producing resultant

states; States which are not acquired by clinging but favourable

to clinging are dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states. They are not dissociated from any

aggregates, not dissociated from any bases; they are dissociated

from 5 elements (2).

375. States which are not acquired by clinging and not favourable

to clinging ; Not corrupt and corrupting states are dissociated from

these states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They

are not dissociated from any aggregates, not dissociated from any

bases ; they are dissociated from 6 elements (2).

376. States with applied-thought and sustained-thought are

dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases

and from 15 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (1).

377. States without applied-thought but with sustained-thought;

States accompanied by rapture are dissociated from these states.

Those states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated

from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (2).

378. States without applied-thought and sustained-thought are

dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are not dissociated from any aggregates, not

dissociated from any bases ; they are dissociated from 1 element (1).

379. States accompanied by pleasure are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 15 elements ;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

380. States accompanied by indifference are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 11 elements ;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

381. States eradicated by First Path ; States eradicated by Higher

3 Paths; States together with roots eradicated by First P ath ;

States together with roots eradicated by Higher 3 Paths; States

leading to rebirth and death; States leading to Nibbana; States

appertaining to Learners; States appertaining to Arahatta ; Lofty

states are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from

10 bases and from 16 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base

and from 1 element (9).

382. Incomparable states; Exalted states are dissociated from

these states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They

are not dissociated from any aggregates, not disociated from any

bases; they are dissociated from 6 elements(2)

383. States with limited objects are dissociated from these states.

Those states are disociated from these states. They are dissociated

from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially dissociated

from 1 base and from 1 element(1).

384. States with lofty objects; States with incomparable objects;

Low states; States with fixed destiny due to wrong views ; States

with fixed destiny due to right views;  States with path objects;

States conditioned by the Path; States dominated by the Path

are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate. from 10 bases

and from 16 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element(8).

385. States not arisen are dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are not dissociated

from any aggregates, not dissociated from any bases; they are

dissociated from 5 elements(1).

386. States with past objects; States with internal objects;

States with external objects; States with Internal and external

objects are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (2).

387. States with present objects; States with internal objects;

States with external objects; States with internal and external

objects are dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states. They are dissociated from 4 aggregates,

from 1 base and from 7 elements; partially dissociated from

1 base and from 1 elements(2).


389. States which are roots; States which have associated roots;

States which are associated with roots; States which are roots

and also have associated roots; States which have associated roots

but are not roots; States which are roots and also associated with

roots; States which are associated with roots but are not roots ;

States which are not roots but have associated roots are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these states.

They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16

elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (8).

390. States not arising from 4 causes ; States not conditioned by

4 causes ; States with visibility ; States with impinging ; States

which have physical change arc dissociated from these states.

Those states are dissociated from these states. They are dissociated

from 4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (5).

301. States which are Supramundane are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are not

dissociated from any aggregates, not dissociated from any bases;

they are dissociated from 6 elements (1).

392. States which are cankers ; States which are associated with

cankers; States which are both cankers and objects of cankers;

States which are both cankers and associated with cankers ; States

which are associated with cankers but are not cankers are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these

states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and

from 16 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (5).

393. States which are not objects o f cankers; States which are

dissociated from cankers and are not objects of cankers are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these

states. They are not dissociated from any aggregates, not dissociated

from any bases ; they are dissociated from 6 elements (2).

394. States which are fetters . . . States which are ties . . . States

which are floods . . . States which are bonds . . . States which are

hindrances  . .. States which arc misapprehensions; States which are

associated with misapprehensions ; States which are both misapprehensions

and objects of misapprehensions are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (38).

395. States which are not objects of misapprehensions; States

which are dissociated from misapprehensions and are not objects

of misapprehensions are dissociated from these states. Those

states are dissociated from these states. They are not dissociated

from any aggregates, not dissociated from any bases; they are

dissociated from 6 elements (2).

396. States which have objects ; States which are consciousness ;

States which are mental factors ; States which are associated with

consciousness; States which are conjoined with consciousness ;

States which are both conjoined with and are generated by consciousness ;

States which are conjoined with, are generated by and

arise together with consciousness ; States which are conjoined with,

are generated by and arise successively with consciousness are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these

states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and

from 10 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (8).

397. States which have no objects ; States which are dissociated

from consciousness ; States which are not conjoined with consciousness ;

States which are derived are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 4 aggregates, from 1 base and from 7 elements ;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (4).

398. States which are not acquired by clinging are dissociated from

these states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They

are not dissociated from any aggregates, not dissociated from any

bases ; they are dissociated from 5 elements (1).

399. States which are clinging . . . States which are corruptions ;

States which are corrupt; States which are associated with corruptions ;

States which are both corruptions and objects of corruptions ;

States which are both corruptions and corrupt; States which

are corrupt but are not corruptions ; States which are both corruptions

and associated with corruptions ; States which are associated

with corruptions but are not corruptions are dissociated from these

states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They are

dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 16 elements ;

partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (15).

400. States which are not objects of corruptions; States which

are dissociated from corruptions and are not objects of corruptions

are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are not dissociated from any aggregates, not

dissociated from any bases ; they are dissociated from 6 elements (2).

401. States eradicated by First Path ; States eradicated by Higher

3 Paths; States together with roots eradicated by First Path ;

States together with roots eradicated by Higher 3 Paths are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these

states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and

from 16 elements; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (4).

402. States with applied-thought; States with sustained-thought

are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated from

these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases

and from 16 elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and from

1 element (2).

403. States without applied-thought; States without sustained-

thought are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are not dissociated from any aggregates,

not dissociated from any bases; they are dissociated from

1 element (2).

404. States with rapture; States which are accompanied by

rapture are dissociated from these states. Those states are dissociated

from these states. They are dissociated from 1 aggregate,

from 10 bases and from 16 elements; partially dissociated from

1 base and from 1 element (2).

405. States which are accompanied by pleasure are dissociated from

these states. Those states are dissociated from these states. They

are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 15

elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (1).

406. States which are accompanied by indifference are dissociated

from these states. Those states are dissociated from these states.

They are dissociated from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 11

elements ; partially dissociated from 1 base, and from 1 element (1).

407. States which do not belong to the sensuous plane; States

which are not included in the round of existences; States which

are not with beyond are dissociated from these states. Those states

are dissociated from these states. They are not dissociated from

any aggregates, not dissociated from any bases; they are

dissociated from 6 elements (3).

408. States which belong to the fine-material plane ; States which

belong to the immaterial plane; States which lead out from the

round of existences ; States which have fixed destiny yielded after

decease or after their own occurrence ; States which are causes of

lamentation are dissociated from these states. Those states are

dissociated from these states

From how many aggregates, from how many bases and from how

many elements are those states dissociated ? They are dissociated

from 1 aggregate, from 10 bases and from 10 elements; partially

dissociated from 1 base and from 1 element (5).


Same as Chapter VI.

Explanation of the Method and Chart of Chapter X

Subject matter : The 250 dissociated states such as matter aggregate

and so on dealt with in Chapter VI also form the subject matter

of this chapter.

“ These states ” and “ Those states ” : The states which are

dissociated from the state o f enquiry are taken as the first “ these

states ” and then as the first “ those states ” . Then the states which

are dissociated from the first “ those states ” are taken as the second

“ these states ” and “ those states ” . The dissociation and partial

dissociation from aggregates, bases and elements of the latter states

are then found.

How to read the Chart: Matter aggregate is taken as illustration.

Matter aggregate is dissociated from these states (4 mental aggregates).

Those states (4 mental aggregates) are dissociated from

these states (matter 28, Nibbana).

From how many aggregates, from how many bases and from how

many elements are those states (matter 28, Nibbana) dissociated ?

They are dissociated from 4 aggregates (4 mental aggregates), from

1 base (mind base) and from 7 elements (7 consciousness elements).


Note : In the commentary on this chapter it is stated that Nibbana

is similar to subtle matter (Nibbanam pana sukhumarupa-gatika

meva). Some have misinterpreted this as meaning that Nibbana

is as subtle as subtle matter. The commentator did not mean that

it should be taken as such. What he wanted to point out was that

since both Nibbana and the 16 subtle physical states are classified

under cognizable base and cognizable element, they are alike in this



In the subcommentary, it is stated that the characteristics of

Nibbana and subtle matter are not shown but that Nibbana is to

be taken in partial dissociation and, therefore, that they are alike

in this respect.


The kinds of answers : There are 9 kinds of answers. The numbers

of the states of enquiry having the same answers are given below :-

Question Numbers    

No. of States

1. 353 (1), 355 (20), 357 (8), 365 (3), 388 (2), 390 (5), 397 (4)


2. 354 (5), 358 (1), 362 (3), 367 (6), 372 (1), 383 (1), 387 (4)

396 ( 8 )


3. 356 (9), 359 (4), 361 (10), 363 (3), 366 (16), 369 (2), 373 (2)

377 (2), 381 (9), 384 (8), 386 (2), 389 (8), 392 (5), 394 (28)



4. 360 (1), 371 (1), 380 (1), 406 (1)  


5. 364 ( 1 )  


6. 368 (1), 370 (2), 376 (1), 379 (1), 402 (2), 405 (1)


7. 374 (2), 385 (1), 398 ( 1 )


8. 375 (2), 382 (2), 391 (1), 393 (2), 394 (10), 395 (2), 399 (2)

400 (2), 407 ( 3 )


9. 378 (1), 403 ( 2 )


Total 250

DhatukathaCh 10