Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

Tipitaka translated in 105 languages from INSIGHT-NET Free Online Tipitka Research and Practice University through


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Willing to publish all the work in Wikipitaka

Pelase tell step by step guide.

It would be wonderful if the translated Tiptaka can be made available in 105 languages.

How to publish on Wikipitaka:

1. .pdf files : you can publish .pdf files on any new page created, just like u created this page. However you need to publish many files as the limit of each .pdf file here is only 10mb. For this on any page , go to the edit mode[classical editor] of the page(on upper right), click on a place where u want to add .pdf file, then select 'Add photo', this is meant for photos but u can upload .pdf files also. Go thru the process & ur file will be uploaded & placed on the place u clicked.

2. From HTML : First create a page on wikipitaka and keep it in edit mode , now open each book in the html browser ,using mouse, then manually select all the areas u want to publish, then paste it on the new page (can also add in old page also). For new pages , keep in mind to have these pages linked as they are in existing structure , otherwise ur pages may get lost.

3. There also exists the source editor, but for that u need to know the coding , which is available on the help of wikipitaka.

Best wishes

Buddhalord (talk) 02:08, November 5, 2017 (UTC)
