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Buddhism FAQ0 >> 32. Most Important Practice & Instant Method

Achieve Enlightenment & All Defilements Vanish

Buddhism FAQ[]

(Frequently Asked Questions About Buddhism)

32. What is the Most Important Practice & Instant Method of Achieving Purity?[]

Ans: Practice meditation & achieve an enlightened state as shown below:

B2b Final

Left : Panna/Awakening/1st Enlightenment(or dhyan/jhana/zen)

Become proficient in summoning this state whenever required and then this needs to be applied whenever any defilement arises within body & mind.

The defilements are: sexual arousal, anger, hatred, greed, attachment, jealousy, dislike, false pride, desire, violent temper, harmfulness etc.

So whenever any of these arises, simply put your attention within brain & spine & instantly the defilement will vanish.

For example :

A person experiences uncontrollable sexual desire & arousal,

1. Immediately put attention within brain & spine.

2. Let the illumination/enlightenment occur in brain & spine

3. Let you attention travel within entire spine including the base & also in brain.

4. Since all organs are connected to spine & brain, watch the organ where the desire has arisen

5. Immediately it will be seen that the desire has vanished while the illumination remains

6. Therefore the defilement vanishes, it happens within seconds of time, make a vow not to let the defilement arise again.

7. Repeat for any future occurrence.

Similarly for other defilement, practice in same manner as above & it will be directly seen that the method works instantly.

How is this happening?

The enlightened state (as in above figure) is the state of purity & divine bliss. It is like lighting a candle in a dark room. When the lighting happens all the bad states of defilements will have no place to exist therefore will vanish instantly.

This method is used by experienced monks to remain in the state of purity.

This is also explained in the teaching(paticchasammupada) of Lord Buddha as :

Avijja Nirodha, Sankhar Nirodho (Sans. Avidya Nirodha, Sanskar Nirodho)

Avijja = Non-knowledge(absence of enlightenment)

Nirodha = Stopping

Sankhar (or sanhara) = conditioned reaction; compulsive behavior, propensity; impulse; desire(defilement)

Nirodho = Stopped

Meaning : By stopping non-knowledge(i.e. by practicing enlightenment), the (desire for action for the) defilement is eliminated.

or in other words

By enlightenment, the defilements is eliminated.

Lord Buddha has called his path of Dhamma as Akaliko meaning instant (also timeless) now it can be understood from direct experience.

Another explanation is :

Savi Sanhara Aniccati, Yo Pannaya Passati

Savi = All

Sanhara = conditioned reaction; compulsive behavior, propensity; impulse; desire(defilement)

Anicchati = transient ; here decays

Yo = One who

Pannaya = with Panna (enlightenment ; directly experientially knowing)

Passati = sees (in meditation)

Here Lord Buddha says : All defilements can be seen as decaying while watching in meditation with Panna(enlightenment).

Another explanation is in the words of Lord Buddha : Atta Dipo viharati
See: Cakkavattisihanada_Sutta

Atta : Within self

Dipo : Island

viharati : Dwell,stay,remain

Meaning : Dwell upon the island within yourself.

It means that in a flood(of emotions/defilements) , remain dwelling in the island within yourself.


Another explanation is of a vine & its branches. The removal of emotion is like cutting off the branch as the emotion exists in the organ. When a person's attention is focussed within spine & brain it is like being on the main vine & then the emotion within organ cannot survive being disconnected so it decays.

Also see: Buddhism FAQ17 Meditation Best Practices
