Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka
Structure of the Tipitaka
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Khuddaka Nikaya
Abhidhamma Pitaka

Tipitaka >> Abhidhamma Pitaka

Abhidhamma Pitaka[]

The Abhidhamma Pitaka is the last of the three divisions of the Tipitaka. The compilation of the Buddha's teachings classified as the Abhidhamma deals with the quintessence of the Doctrine in purely academic terms, without reference to individuals and events.
The traditional view, is that the Abhidhamma Pitaka was taught by the Buddha years after his Enlightenment when he visited the deva(angel) world (Heaven) in order to teach this to his departed mother and to other devas(angels) there for their own enlightenment & emancipation.
According to Theravada tradition, this systematic exposition of the Dhamma was transmitted to the devas(angels) of the Tavatimsa heaven, who were entrusted to keeping this doctrine safe until such time as the Buddha thought it appropriate to reveal these teachings to his disciples in the human realm.
As stated by Buddha, Abhidhamma is to disappear first in times of evil on earth, and it almost did for a long time.

An effort is made here to collect it from various sources & make it available to the mankind (again) & in English for everyone. 

Abhidhamma Pitaka is divided into seven books. Just as Abhidhamma is heart of all teachings of Buddha, the book of 'Vibhanga' (The Book of Analysis) can be considered as the core of all teachings, by knowing which all the teachings of Buddha can be known.

Note : Abhidhamma may appear very plain & theoretical but it can only be appreciated along with a good practice of meditation which brings out the essence of it by experience.

Seven Books Of Abhidhamma[]

  1. Dhammasangani - Enumeration of Phenomena i.e Good states of consciousness; Bad states of consciousness; Indeterminate states of consciousness; various aspects of Form(Rupa); For elimination - various causes(hetu), intoxicants(asava), fetters(sannojana), ties(gantha), floods(ogha), bonds(yog), hindrances(nivarana), contagions(paramasa), graspings(upadana), corruptions(kilesa) etc.
  2. Vibhanga - The Book of Analysis of Aggregates(Khanda), Bases(Ayatana), Elements(Dhatu), Truths(Saccha), Faculties(Indriya), Dependent Origination(Paticchasamuppada), Method of Meditation(Satipatthana), Right effort(Sammapadhana), Mystical(Iddhipada), Enlightenment factors(Bojjhanga), Path constituents(Magganga sans. marg-anga), Trance states(Jhana), Illimitables(Appamanna), Training Precepts(Sikkhapada), Analytic Insight(Patisambhida), Knowledge(Nana sans. gyan) etc.
  3. Dhatukatha - Discussion with Reference to the Elements i.e Associations & dissociations, classifications & unclassifications of various phenomena.
  4. Puggalapannatti - Designation of Individuals i.e. Various human types categorised in many ways from one to ten.
  5. Kathavatthu - Points of Controversy or debates; questions & answers i.e faq chapter.
  6. Yamaka - The Book of Pairs of questions on Roots(Mula), Aggregates(Khanda), Bases(Ayatana), Elements(Dhatu), Truths(Sacca/Satya), Formations(Sankhara/Sanskara), Latent States(Anusaya), Consciousness(Citta) , Phenomena(Dhamma) and Sense Faculties(Indriya).
  7. Patthana - The Book of Relations on various internal phenomena i.e Hetu(cause), Arammana(Object), Adhipati(Dominance), Anantara(Contiguity), samanantara,Sahajata(coexistence), Annamanna(Reciprocity), Nissaya(Dependence), Upanissaya(Sufficing Condition), Purejata(Pre-Existence), Pacchajata(Post-Existence), Asevana(Habitual Recurrence), Kamma(Karma), Vipaka(Effect), Ahara(Food),Indriya(Control on senses), Jhana(Jhana-samadhi/Trance), Magga(Path), Sampayutta(Association), Vipayutta(Dissociation), Atthi(Presence), Natthi, Vigata, Avigata Paccaya(Abeyance,Absence & Continuance) etc.

Additional Texts :[]

Atthasalini(The Expositor) (By Buddhaghosa, Translated by Maung Tin)

Visuddhimagga (The Path of Purification) (By Buddhaghosa, Translated by Bhikku Nanamoli)

A Manual of Abhidhamma (By Narada Thera)

Link : Link to Some Charts On Abhidhamma

Commentary :[]


The Theravada Abhidhamma with Bhikkhu Bodhi (Class -1, 5 Mar 2018)

Original Pali Version[]


Click the link below to access the original Abhidhamma files in Pali language, the language spoken by Buddha.

Abhidhamma, Pali
